Confessions From My Dead Mother

Chapter Three: When It All Comes Crashing Down

-Part One-

The next couple of weeks passed by in a blur. Everything was back to normal. The incident with Cole was completely forgotten by most of the school. The weird thing was none of it really had an affect on me until the cops showed up at school. They wanted to talk to me about the alleged rape incident. I tried to explain that it was just gossip but I don't think that they really believed me. I mean it would have been a great way to ruin Cole completely, but even I'm not that harsh. I mean he had never even pressured me for sex when we had been dating. He definitely never tried to force himself on me. That was the only incident that even became a blip on my radar. Thanksgiving came and went. I spent it with my mom even though I didn't want to.

The time moved quickly almost too quickly but then that's the hands of time for you. The next thing I know it's the final game of the season and the biggest party of the year. I was so excited. We had won state and that's was a feet our school hadn't accomplished in fifteen years. The party was going to be spectacular The only problem with that is that my dad insisted I go straight to my mom's after the game. He said I needed to spend more time with her. That I had let my social life become more important than her. So here, I am at the end of the game pouting to Spence about why I couldn't got to the party with him.

"You know I don't want to show up at the party alone, it doesn't look good for me to not have a date at the biggest party of the year."

" I know but there isn't anything I can do about it, if I bail on mom tonight dad promised to ground me and take away my car til graduation."

" Well, fine then I guess," Spence said whining as he turned his back on me.

" I promise I'll make it up to you next weekend." I said trying to make him feel better.

" Promise," he said getting that wicked smile on his face.

" Promise," I said knowing where this conversation was leading.

As much as I cared for Spence I had only had sex with him that one time. I just wasn't ready to do it again. He had been bugging me about it over and over since the first time. It's not that I thought it was a mistake it was just that I really didn't have the need to do it again. I was already dreading my promise. I mean yeah I'm a teenager with hormones but just because I have sex one time doesn't make me a raging Nympho.

So here I am getting in my car to head to mom's when my phone rings. I look down at the caller I. D. and see my mom's number I answer before it can hit my voicemail. I was hoping I could get mom to let me go to the party even if it was only long enough to keep Spence happy and save face with the rest of the school. I didn't want to be the one loser who didn't show up.

" Hey, mom. I'm getting ready to head over now. Do you need me to pick anything up on my way?" I said all of this while shutting my car door and pulling out.

" Um, honey actually no. I just wanted to let you know I'm not really feeling like company right now. Is there anyway you could stay over with Stacey."

" Yeah, I guess but she's going to the after game party and dad threatened to ground me if I didn't come to your house. He said I couldn't go to the party."

" Don't worry about your dad honey. I'll tell him you came over but I didn't feel like having company so I sent you to the party to hunt up Stacey, since he's out of town."

" You sure?" I questioned unable to believe my luck.

" Completely sweetie but I'm going to go so I can go lie for a bit, kay honey."

" Okay, thanks mom you're the best." I said hanging up the phone.

This was going to be great I could go to the party after all. All in all my mom wasn't so bad. I mean I know I couldn't stand to be around her half the time but when she wasn't sad she was actually fun. I just wished she would get over dad and start dating again. Before dad started cheating on mom she was always happy. We even spent a lot of time together. Mary Beth had loved her like her own mom but I guess things change and life must move on I just hoped one of these days mom would move on with hers.

Since I was going to get to go to the party after all I decided I was going to go home and get cleaned up and surprise Spence at the party. As soon as I got home I jumped in the shower and changed into this really pretty red dress I had been saving. I put on some cute red chunky heels to match.I did my hair and make up and checked the completed picture in the mirror. I had never really considered myself to be beautiful or anything but I do consider myself as pretty.

I'm five foot two with brown hair that just reaches my chin and I'm tiny. Most people will tell you I pass for ordinary except for my eyes. That's my one feature that makes people stop and look. I have cat eyes. No one else in my family has them they're blue, green, and gray with yellow flecks in them. They change colors with my mood. One day they will look completely blue or green occasionally gray but from day to day they are never the same. Tonight I highlighted them with silver eye shadow and some black eyeliner that has silver sparkles in it. As I have said on numerous occasions my eyes make me and I knew Spence would like how I looked that was all that mattered.

-Part Two-

I would have never dreamed that things would change so quickly but once I arrived at the party to odd stares and whispers I knew something was up. I went straight to look for Spence but instead of finding him or Stace I found chase instead drunk off his but and crying. Chase wasn’t one to cry so I was a little shocked to see it now. I don’t know why I decided to even try to talk to him but for some reason I felt I had to.

“ Chase what’s wrong?” I asked feeling a little odd.

“ Oh, you don’t know yet do you. If you look around and listen hard enough shouldn’t be to hard to figure out. Oh but before you do may be you should check upstairs.”

“Huh, what the hell are you talking about? I. Am. Confused.” I said not really having a clue about what was going on.

Grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face the stairs he said, “Here let me spell it out for you.”

As I looked at the stairs I finally knew what was up with Chase and I was truly pissed the anger was blurring my vision. Coming down the stairs was Stace and Spence all wrapped around each other kissing and laughing. I can’t imagine what my face looked like but I heard Chase say one last thing before he stalked off, “ told you there was something going on with them but you didn’t believe me.”

I took a step towards the stairs whenever they noticed that I was at the party. They looked shocked to see me but there was laughter in their eyes. Neither one of them spoke they just kept walking like I wasn’t even there. I felt like crying. I couldn’t believe how stupid I had been. I turned around heading for the door but my anger wouldn’t let me. I spun around and found Spence and Stace talking to some of his fellow jocks. I made my why over to them shoving people out of my way. I grabbed Stace and Spence by their arms turning them to face me.

“ What the fuck, How could you?” The words barely forced themselves out of my throat.

It was Stace who spoke first and her words were harsh but very, very true, “ Oh, come on Cat you knew about this a long time ago you just couldn’t admit it to yourself. I mean surely you didn’t think that we were just friends. I hate to break it to you like this in front of everyone it must be so embarrassing.” She said those words with a smirk.

I think we’ve embarrassed Cat enough for one night Stace,” Spence said as he started moving Stace along with him motioning for me to follow.

I followed them through the house up to Spence’s room. It would be just my luck that the party had to be here tonight. No wonder everyone was acting like it didn’t bother them.
“ Just so you know Cat, I really don’t feel bad about what Spence and I have done after all you cheated on him with Cole first and I was the friend that picked up the pieces. Everyone else might have believed the story you told about Cole but we knew the truth all along.”

“ But, but , but,” I was stammering so I tried to calm my voice, “I don’t understand how you could do this to me.” My anger came out in my next few words. “You. Are. Supposed. To. Be. My. Best. Friend.”

“ No, Cat I’m not. Mary Beth was but I took care of that, just like I’m taking care of Spence for you.”

Oh, my God she was actually smiling as she said this and I felt the color drain from my face as realization hit me. They had been together even before Spence and I had gotten together. I don’t know how I knew but I knew it was the truth.

“ Don’t feel to bad even Chase hadn’t really seen it coming. You do know that most of the jocks already knew don’t you Cat?” Stace stopped for a moment before she spoke again but this time I detected hate in her voice and not even a little bit of the friendship we were supposed to have had. “ You see Spence and I have been together for a while now. The only reason he even dated you was to do me a favor, to bring you down.”

I felt, I don’t even have the words to describe how I felt in that one moment but used was definitely there along with hurt and betrayal. They were just sitting there smiling at me like they had just let me in on a big secret and in truth they had. It was just a secret that involved hurting me.
“ You’ll pay for this,” the anger making me shake my voice was trembling, “ I’m going to tell everyone at school how you two have been plotting this.”

“ Go ahead, no one will believe you after tonight any ways.” Spence said smiling the wicked smile I used to love.

“What do you mean no one will believe me? Have you forgotten I’m even more popular than you or Stace? My word will reign over yours any day.”

“ Not really Cat we have few surprises for you. Now if you don’t mind you need to leave before we call the cops and tell them that you’re harassing us.”

I was numb. I had no idea what was going on really. I had a feeling though that tonight was just the beginning. I made my way downstairs trying not to scream or cry. I couldn’t have the whole school seeing me like this but what choice did I have. Somehow I felt like I was doing the walk of shame and in many ways I was. I heard whispering coming from everywhere as I made my way to the living room. I could hear my name and a lot of derogatory comments.

“Psycho’s what I heard.”
“Yeah she slept with five guys at once and Spence caught her.”
“ whore”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was aweful. Then I heard another voice this time and it was a man’s voice. I looked around trying to spot whoever had said my name and again I heard him say.”

“ I’m looking for a Caterina Marshall.”

I saw several people look over and point towards me as I stepped forward. “ That would be me is there something I can do for you?” I asked

“ I’m Officer Byron and the other guy over there is detective Montgomery and we need to speak with you.”

They had called the cops on me my night just kept getting better and better. The only thing left to do was throw myself under a moving bus .

-Part Three-

The older cop made his way over to me and spoke, " it might be better if we spoke to you alone."

I told the them we could talk out front on the porch. Chase as drunk as he was looked up at me with a concerned expression on his face and asked me if I wanted him to go with me. I told him no, "I'll be fine." I whispered and followed the two cops out front. Standing in the glow of the porch light the cops looked ominous. The younger one had a pocked face from acne scars, his eyes were squinty and dark, and he had a crooked nose that looked like someone had broken it one two many times. The creepiest part about him was the grim line his too thin lips were set into. I averted my gaze to the older cop. He looked like a thug you would meet in a dark alley somewhere. As I looked at them I knew they were the harbingers of bad news. These were the ones that were sent out when something bad happens. The older officer spoke.

" Miss Marshall, I'm afraid we have some bad news and need you to come with us."

" Why?" I managed to stammer out.

" Your mothers body has been found and we need you to identify it." This was coming from the younger one.

" No." I practically shouted at them. " Why are you lying to me?" I screeched at them.

The older officer looked down at me with pity in his eyes as he told me everything and as my world spun into oblivion I sank to my knees.

"Oh, My God, What's wrong with Cat?"

" I don't know, whatever those cops told her has got her like that."

" She don't look so good, what's going on?'

" May be she's in some kind of trouble."

" From what I've heard she is trouble on drugs and everything."

" It figures little miss perfect ain't so perfect anymore."

" Wonder if they're going to arrest her."

There were people talking all around me. They were talking about me but I couldn't bring myself to care. My world was still spinning from what the cops had told me and I still couldn't believe what they had said. They had said they had found my mom dead. I had a million questions for them wanting to know what was really going on. I was shaking all over but I wasn't cold. I felt an arm go around me and lift me to my feet.

"Cat, what's going on? Something's happened I can tell," came Chase's voice in my ear as he finished helping me to my feet.

" I need to go with them something's happened to my mom," my voice broke as I tried to explain what was going on.

"You want me to get someone to drive you, I can get someone else follow you over in my car that way you'll have yours?"

I didn't say anything just shook my head yes. He ran up stairs to grab one of the few sober jocks, when I remembered he'd been drinking. Shit, he couldn't drive anyone's car. I looked over at the officers and asked them where we would be headed so I could let Chase know. May be he could find two sober people willing to help out.

" We'll need to head to the hospital first so you can I. D. her then we'll head over to the police station so we can talk about what's going on and try to reach you're father." It came from the older cop.

I looked up and saw Chase, Bobby Moore and of all people Mary Beth headed my way. She was looking at me real funny like.

" I don't know what made me come tonight but it looks like you could use a friend." She said this while reaching for my keys. " I'll drive you over Bobby and Chase are going to follow us in Chase's car that way I'll have a ride home."

" Okay, but why should you want to help me." I said as my night continued to spin out of control.

"We used to be best friends once, but this doesn't change anything." She said as she pulled me towards my car

We loaded up in the car and followed behind the officers. We didn't really talk on the way over. We sat mostly in silence.

"The cops are headed for the hospital." I told her as she drove.

" Why are we going to the hospital? What's going on?" She asked sounding concerned.

All I could get out was " My, mom." Finally I manage to try to form a coherent sentence as I shook my head and told her, "to be honest I don't really know what's going on myself and I can't really talk about what I do know until I talk to my dad."

She just shook her head and gave me an understanding look. We sat in silence for a long time before she finally spoke.

" I heard about what happened at the party tonight. I really am sorry. I know you don't want to hear I told you so, so I'm not going to say it but I did warn you about her when you ditched me for her."

" I know, M.B. believe me I know."

"What were you doing at the party tonight any way's?" I asked because as surreal as this night had been I still hadn't figured out why she would have been there.

" I got a call from a friend who told me that Stace and Spence were at the party together and by together she meant together and that you had caught them so I headed over as soon as I heard. I just figured you might need a friend, but as I said it doesn't change anything.

Our conversation faded back into an awkward silence as I thought about the events of tonight. There was no way my mom was dead, I had just talked to her. On top of all that there the crap from the party. I just didn't know what to do there was so much spinning in my head. Then there was Mary Beth sitting next to me in my car. I hadn't realized until just now how much I had missed her. We had been so close until the end of freshman year when I met Stace after she moved here. I was still sinking in my thoughts when M. B.'s voice brought me back to the present.

"Hey, Cat you gonna be okay? We're here."
Yeah, sure." I replied seeing the two officers heading my way.

" Um, you want us to go in with you? M. B. asked concern for me all across her face. I mean you don't have to face whatever this is by yourself."

I just shook my head no. " No, how bout you get Bobby and Chase to take you home. I need to find out what's going on so I don't know how long I'll be here and after we leave here I still have to go to the police station and stuff."

" You sure?" they asked in unison, Bobby and Chase had gotten out of their car to join us.

I just shook my head. I waited until they were all three back in Chases's car and pulling out of the parking lot before I turned to meet the officers gazes.

"You do know that you're taking me in here to look at a body that can't possibly be my mom's. I just talked to her a couple hours ago." I said knowing that there had to be some kind of mistake.

The two officers exchanged a puzzled look but didn't say anything. Before I could say anything else the older cop excused himself saying he needed to make a phone call and that he would be back in a minute. As we stood there waiting for the other officer to return I realized neither one of them had given me their names or shown me identification.

The younger one was dressed in his dress blues and the other in street clothes I had just assumed they were police. I mean their car wasn't even a department issued cruiser. Unease filled me. I could see myself being kidnapped by them or worse. You hear stories all over the news every day about how young girls are tricked.

" Um, I hate to bother you but could you tell me your name and let me see your I. D. please.' I said sounding nervous.

"Ha ha, ha" he chuckled as he pulled out his wallet showing me his I. D., " This has got to be a first you going with us then asking for the identification, most people ask for it first.' Reaching out his hand he handed me the wallet that identified him as Patrol Officer Jacob Byron. " I'm officer Byron and the guy who just left is Detective Montgomery."

Relief washed over me as my cheeks turned bright pink, " sorry bout that I just well you know," I said trailing off.

The other guy came back and told me to follow him. I didn't ask him for his I.D. I didn't want to embarrass myself more. We went into the hospital through an access door I didn't know was there. and headed for an elevator. Once we were inside detective Montgomery looked over at me and asked,

" When exactly did your mom call you and where did she call you at?" His expression said something was going on.

" I was at school getting ready to head to mom's after the game and hse told me she didn't feel well. She had asked me if I could stay the night with Stace instead. That's why I was at the party instead of her house tonight." I said all this while pulling my cell out of my pocket.

I scrolled through my recent calls and noticed I had missed ten calls three from Spence and Stace and the rest were from friends who were at the party. I was wondering why the hell any of them would bother calling me after everything that had happened tonight at the party. They probably wanted more gossip to spread about me, Brighton Beach High lived on gossip. I switched it to the received calls menu and found where mom had called me at nine fifty one p m and handed the phone to him. He glanced at it before he spoke, "So you talked to your mom for about three minutes. Was this the last time you talked to her? He asked as he handed the phone back to me

" Yeah, we don't really talk that much but tonight she called. I have to admit she doesn't usually call at that time of night though. I was supposed to go to her house for the weekend but she said she didn't feel good and told me to go home with my friend Stace." I said thinking about the phone call.

The word Stace came out more like an explicative causing and eyebrow to arch at me.

"You do know I could clear all of this up with a simple phone call." I stated in a matter of fact tone just as the elevator doors opened.

Officer Byron looked at me expectantly, " And just how would a phone call clear all of this up?"

"Well I mean I could call my mom, I know it's late but she always answers her phone."

They looked at each other for a minute and said go ahead as we stepped out of the elevator. I punched mom's name on the touch screen and hit send. The phone started ringing a second later and it just kept ringing, after the twenty fifth ring I hung up. I tried her cell instead and as it began to ring we stopped in front of a door and Seether's Broken began playing.

I guess my face must have turned white because they were looking at like I had just fallen over and died or something. Broken quit playing just as I was sent to my mom's voicemail,

"Hey, it's me Cherese, I'm busy or something leave a message or call me back and I'll get back to you A.S.A.P.."

I quickly hit send on my phone again calling mom's phone back. Broken began playing once again and I finally could here where it was coming from I followed the sound to a near by table where my mom's purse lay in a clear evidence bag. As Broken continued to play everything went black.

When I woke up a strange woman was holding something that smelled awful under my nose. The two detectives were standing behind her.

" She's fine just a little shock that's all." She spoke to them as she helped me up into a sitting position.

" Caterina, we need you to come with us to look at the body now." Montgomery spoke.

I just shook my head and got up to follow them. We entered a room I can only describe as sterile and frightening. We were headed for a table in the middle of the room. There was someone lying on it covered by a sheet. As we stepped closer I could see curly tendrils of long brown hair streaked with auburn. I felt myself gasp. Somehow I made it to the edge of the table and the woman looked over at me,

" Are you ready?" she asked

I shook my head holding my breath as she slowly pulled the cover back revealing my mom's serene features. Even in death she was a picture of beauty. I just looked at her not understanding. I knew it was real in my mind but my heart couldn't handle it.

" How did she die?" I asked the woman who was clearly the coroner.

" Sweetie, I'm not sure, I haven't started the autopsy yet. All I can tell you right now is that she's been dead for at least forty- eight hours."

" That can't be she just called me tonight." I cried tears streaming down my face. That explained the Detectives puzzled look when I told him I had talked to her.

" You couldn't have talked to her honey, I'm sorry but it's just not possible."

The detective motioned for Officer Byron and they walked into the other room while I stood there looking at my mom. I couldn't handle looking at her anymore so I just turned around and stared at the woman noticing her name tag. It had a picture of her on it and her name underneath Dr. Alexander.

" Duh, duh, Dr. Alexander could I have her stuff please?" I managed to stutter out between sobs.

" I'm sorry but until we know the cause of death the police will keep everything we found with her as evidence." she said as the detective re entered the room alone.

" Caterina it's time to go," He said as he put his arm around my shoulders leading me out of the room.

"You don't need to go to the police station right now. How about we go up to the cafeteria and talk?" he said as he lead me back to the elevator.

We didn't say anything else until we were seated in the cafeteria with two cups of steaming coffee in between us.

" Can you tell me what you know? I asked

" We don't know much just that she checked into a motel out on the coast highway Monday. She paid until today and when housekeeping went in to clean her room they found her in the bed. They thought she was asleep at first but when they couldn't wake her up, they checked for a pulse. When they couldn't find one they called the manager, who in turn called us and an ambulance." He paused for a few minutes giving me time to take in what he had just told me.

" I still don't really understand. I mean that's not something my mom would do. Why would she rent a motel room on the coast when she lives on the same road?" I questioned more confused now that ever. "I mean I just don't get it plus how did she call me if she's been dead for two days?"

" Are you sure it was her, could it have been someone pretending to be her?"

" No, I'm sure it was her I've heard that voice all of my life." I responded feeling like I was stepping into a Twilight Zone rerun.

" It couldn't have been her, I know you believe it was but the evidence tells a different story. There is something that I need you to see, but I would like to wait on the results from the autopsy before I show it to you. It's a letter to you, we found it among your mom's possessions. That's how we knew where you would be tonight."

" I know you think it best if I wait to see it but I really need to see it now."

I couldn't believe my mom had written me a letter before she died. Montgomery was looking a little upset at my mention of wanting to go ahead and read it. I could see he was holding something back but I just didn't know what. I had a feeling that whatever it was my night was fixing to get a whole lot more complicated and confusing. I knew that in many ways I was holding up a lot better than most teenagers in my situation. I had managed to somewhat hold myself together, but I knew that it couldn't last much longer.

I sat there for a few minutes lost in my own thoughts when I heard Montgomery speak again.

"No, her Mom's number was on her phone."

There was a pause and I realized he was talking on his cell. He wasn't talking to me. I hadn't even heard his phone ring. He spoke again.

"Are you sure?" Another pause. " Her caller I.D. showed her Mom's number." Yet again another pause, then he spoke again sounding irritated and confused, "I don't see how. No it just doesn't make sense, like the letter. None of it does. I think someone's playing with us but you're right I guess I need to go ahead and let her see the letter. Keep me posted." and then he hung up.

The phone call had pushed my curiosity over what was going on into overdrive and my anxiety levels were through the roof. Something was wrong with this whole situation, nothing made sense.

" What's going on? I demand an answer." Somehow my confusion and unease had turned into anger. " I'm tired, confused, and my mom's lying on a table downstairs dead, so could you please cut the bullshit and tell me what the hell it is that you're keeping from me." the last part came out in a rush as I clenched my hand into a fist ready to strike out at something.

He looked at me and I could see sorrow in his eyes as he spoke.

" First we just got your mom's phone records back and according to them she never called you, your phone records on the other hand show that she did."

" What does that mean?" Anger was still evident in my voice.

" It means that, hell, I don't know what it means," he sounded exasperated. " I don't understand it anymore than you do, but before I go into it anymore I need you to read the letter and tell me if your mom wrote it."

" Okay.' I said my hand shaking as I reached for the letter he was now holding in his hand. It was in a clear plastic bag.

I took the letter and went to pull it out of the bag when he stopped my hand.

"You'll have to read it through the plastic it hasn't been checked for prints yet and it's still evidence."

I just shook my head and said "okay," as my eyes made their way to the letter.

The writing was definitely my mom's left handed scrawl. I would recognize it anywhere, no one wrote like my mom. I just looked at it for a moment unable to bring myself to read it just yet. It wasn't an exceptionally long letter not quite a page but it brought tears to my eyes anyways and that was before I had even read the first words. The letter was just like the ones she would leave in my room to let me know she loved me before the divorce. Slowly I dried my tears and began to read.

December 12th, 2008

My sweet, sweet, Caterina
As I sit here and write this I know you're probably running late as usual. You're probably trying to hurry and get ready to go to the after game party at Spence's house. I hope when you get there you have at least a little fun. I just hate what you're about to go through. I know that you're confused right now but it's not something for you to worry over. Right now I need you to try to clear your mind as much as possible and hear what I am going to try to explain to you. I know that by now you know I'm dead or you wouldn't be reading this. I want you to know first of all my death wasn't caused by anyone's hands. I woke up this morning and knew that I wouldn't be waking up tomorrow.
I don't want you to worry about me or what's happened. I need you to worry about yourself. Your life is going to get complicated and sometimes you'll want to give up but I need you to stay strong. I love you so much and I want what's best for you. I've already made arrangements for you and your well being. My lawyer will meet with you on Monday, you have an appointment at 9:00 in the morning.
I wish I could talk to you of better things but I don't have much time. I want you to remember that I love you and none of this is your fault. There is so much I would have liked to tell you about me but could never bring myself to tell you. We lost so much time this past year. I really don't want you to worry or be sad, so please try to be strong for me. I will miss you greatly. I just wish I could hear your voice one more time before the dark night closes in. It's almost ten and I think I'm going to call you now just so that I can hear your voice one last time.
Love Always, Your mom
Cherese Marshall
P.S. I'll be watching over you, always.

I just dropped the letter my mind going bezerk not knowing what to think. The letter, the phone call, mom dead, my mind was spinning out of control. Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My chest it felt like it was going to explode. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head. My whole body began convulsing. I felt arms wrapping around me as my mom's voice calmly whispered in my ear.

" Breathe, sweetie, it's going to be okay just breathe."

I felt myself slowly begin to breathe ragged breathes. The voice was still whispering in my ears as the arms rocked me back and forth like I was a small child. As I regained my common sense I realized it wasn't my mom whispering to me it was the detective. He was rocking me back and forth trying to calm me down. Finally after what seemed like an eternity I pulled myself free of his arms looking up at him only then realizing that I had been crying. His shirt was damp with my tears. I looked away my cheeks flushing red. I never cried in front of anyone, I hadn't cried since the day my mom had packed her things and moved to her little house on the coast.

" Sorry about that." I said as I pulled myself to my feet. "The letter just got to me."

" It's alright you're handling things better than most adults. Do you want to talk about it now or would you like to wait?"

" No, I think we need to talk about it now. There's something not right about any of this."

" Did your mom write the letter?"

"Yeah, she used to leave me letters at home all the time. It's her writing just like it was her voice on the phone."

" This is where we have a problem, dead people don't make phone calls or write letters."

" I know." I said the color draining from my face as I finally put the letter and the phone call together. Oh, God, I couldn't believe it. I felt my body go cold as I used my voice to explain what my mind was just beginning to put together.

" Today. Is. The. Twelfth."

Montgomery shook his head, "yes."

"The letter, it's dated today?" It came out as a question not a statement.

Again a shake of the head and the word, "yes."

"Oh, God, it's not possible. The letter said it was almost ten and she was going to call me."

Another, "yes."

"She, She, called me at nine fifty one tonight. Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh, God, no, not possible."

I was rocking myself back and forth when Montgomery spoke again.

" It get's a little more complicated than that."

I couldn't handle much more. I didn't know what to think or do. I mean what else could he possibly tell me. I mean judging from what he was telling me and from the letter my mom had committed suicide and I had talked to a ghost who was also capable of writing letters. Oh. My. God. I was in the Twilight Zone.

" So go on and tell me." I said trying to keep my voice calm.

" We think judging by the letter that your mom committed suicide."

I had already came to the same conclusion myself but I could tell he was still holding something back.

"And." I paused. "I know there is something else you're not telling me."

His voice held a slight tremor as he begin to speak again, " Actually there are a couple of things."


" First of all as we've both said there is something not right about any of this.
Second there is something off about the letter."

I shook my head, " everything is off about this."

He nodded in agreement, " When we found your mom we had no reason to suspect suicide because the letter wasn't there. The letter didn't show up in any of the photos we took of the motel room either I had Byron to check. That was one of the reasons I had to go ahead and let you see the letter. The letter showed up in the morgue around ten tonight. No one had been in that room and everything that had came in with your mom had already been bagged and cataloged."

" I don't understand. How did the letter get there then?"

"We don't know, an officer checked the camera footage from the morgue from the time your mom arrived until the letter showed up and as crazy as it sounds the letter just materialized out of thin air." He took a trembling breathe. " We were still trying to contact your dad when the letter showed up. Dr. Alexander called us when she spotted the letter lying next to Cherese. When we read the letter we went back over the photos of the crime scene and once we couldn't figure out where it came from we came to find you.'

" This is impossible." I was starting to cry again.

" It gets worse Caterina, much worse from what Byron said about the phone record and from the camera footage in the morgue you were answering the phone to your mom at the same time the letter appeared in the morgue." He waited a minute before he continued letting me try to take this in. " The letter also seemed to be trying to warn you and we're not really sure what it means."

" Warn me, How?"

"We're not sure. We think someone's trying to play some kind of morbid game. We think someone wrote that letter and messed with the hospital camera footage and then placed the phone call to you. If you look at the facts that's the only possible explanation because dead people can't do any of the things that have happened."

" I just ," I couldn't even form a coherent sentence.

"Here's the worst part because your mom has been dead for at least forty eight hours and the call and letter are dated for today; We don't think she committed suicide anymore. We think both were meant to scare you. I need you to tell me what exactly was said during the phone call."

I told him everything my mom said and a look of worry crossed over his face. I was still trying to make sense of this while he made another phone call. He was telling someone to send a unit back to my mom's. He was also going to send another unit with me over to my house. He was filling someone in on everything that was going on while I let myself drift into my own thoughts.

I understood why he was thinking that someone was behind all of this but I knew in my heart I had talked to my mom right after she wrote that letter. No one was pretending to be her no one had faked the letter it was as real as I was. As for a warning it didn't seem that way to me. I just think she was trying to tell me good bye. I think that she was depressed and committed suicide but after she did it that she couldn't handle not saying good bye. She couldn't rest in piece until I knew that's why so she called me and wrote the letter. I didn't mention any of this to Montgomery because I knew he wouldn't believe it, instead I kept it to myself.

I don't really remember much else that happened that night. I just remember that I began to cry and couldn't stop. Montgomery talked to me a little more about what he thought was going on but my mind just couldn't take anymore. I just stayed lost in my own thoughts, crying. I only vaguely recall someone carrying me to a bed and laying me down as I cried until everything went black.