Status: Coming this Fall 10'

The Guardian Protector


Life. It was an extraordinarily breathtaking gift. Many think that God put us all on the earth for some reason or another. In life everyone took baby steps and learned their way around the vastly populated world. As aged, more lessons are learned and new experiences arrive. As a teenager who thought she was invincible to the world, the world didn’t seem like a frigid place. I never once thought of what would happen if I suddenly disappeared from the world, let alone what I was going to do the next day.

Death hadn’t been writing anywhere in my life agenda. I had planned to grow old with a faithful husband and grand babies playing on the porch. I wanted to live life to the fullest, taking risks whenever I could. My Boyfriend was the same, being star of the quarterback team. We were just living the life of two typical teenagers. Nothing could go wrong right? One night I seemed to push my motto a little two far. It was practically hailing out the night of the unspeakable incident, my pregnant friend craving some ice cream. Thinking I would just shoot over to the corner store for some Ben & Jerry’s, my plans were vastly changed that night. Nearing a sharp corner, a eighteen wheeler had skidded off of the road, coming right towards myself. Both car’s smacked against each other, my body crushing After the pain had subsided from my body, I heard sirens before my soul slipped away. When I thought of death, I always assumed when your dead, well your dead. Rotting away in the ground, never to be seen again.

Little did I know right after the pain was rid of my body, I would be in a dark, dreary room. The walls seemed to be black, if not a very deep navy. A women at the desk sat in front of myself, a small candle being the only source of light flickering throughout the room.

“Lilian James,” she spoke, her voice low as she made no eye contact whatsoever. Her pen scribbled fast, writing down something in a large folder. Furrowing my eyebrows slightly, I only wondered where the hell I had been.

Suddenly a paper had landed in my hand, my heart racing faster than a leopard running. Scanning the neatly writing paper. Rules was the first word that hung on the top of the paper. Looking at the women in confusion, she only nodded. Reading over the paper, I wanted to laugh. Seemingly silence was the only thing heard throughout the room, myself waiting for Punk’d to come through the door. They hadn’t.

She then spoke five words, five words I somehow couldn’t believe. “Welcome to your afterlife.”
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Hello(: VERY short intro, giving you a feel of the beginning of this new journey!

