Status: Happy Birthday Bailey! :D

Love Quietly!

One + Only.

The library was easily very quiet and kempt on a Wednesday morning. Everyone was at work and children were settling into class meaning that this was one of the few places that were deserted at this hour.

Kieren liked the quiet; it was comforting and less hectic than his own place. He continued on browsing the library's country CD selection in hopes to find a gem in them. Unfortunately, most of it was crappy old Wilf Carter music and early 60s music stars, which to be honest, Kieren thought they sucked. Yodeling was just not attractive.

Thankfully there was the Man in Black album amongst them. Some person shifted to Kieren's left; the kids/Disney music section. It was kind of funny because that person looked only fairly younger than Kieren and they liked Disney music.

Upon further inspection of the supposed manchild, Kieren noticed that this was the boy who saw here semi-often. The very one with the cute face, ginger locks, and dazzling smile. It was safe to say that Kieren has a slight "fascination" with this boy.

Over the few weeks Kieren decided to actually go to the library, he knows that his name is Nate Flynn, he enjoys Disney shit, and smells always like Axe Shock body spray. He knows because his friend Jack drenches himself in it.

The boy noticed Kieren staring occasionally and smiled at the older man. His smile was sooo cute. It was like watching a bunny sniff on a delicate flower. And there was just something about it; Kieren thinks he must do a lot of dental care and whitening to keep it that way.

After picking the newest Miley Cyrus CD and Disney Mania 7, Nate left to go to the magazine rack to check on who did what and read the old Alternative Press back issues. Kieren didn't but he couldn't help but watch Nate leave. His pants today were just a little too tight and it'd practically be a sin for not looking. There's nothing wrong about a guy checking out another guy's ass.He was pretty really hot for a guy.

Kieren gathered his library needs and headed to the library's technological checkout counter, spearing one more glance towards the magazine rack. He would surely enjoy coming about tomorrow.
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I hate you, Bailey. This is the one time I stayed up really late to finish something.
You better effing love this or I'll be so mad.

Anyways! :D
Hope y'all enjoyed my first [and LAST] Sing It Loud bandslash.