The Shortest Stories Ever

Funny Short stories.....just read the short description.

  1. The Unicorn Called CandyCorn
    haha. this is gonna be my most used character in my random stories. By the way, none of the stories seem to link together but later they will.
  2. The shortest story of all short stories of the book the shortest stories ever
    a truly short story, be warned, ends sadly. :(
  3. CandyCorn's Paint Adventure
    Candy Corn gets challenged to paint against Leonardo Da vinci's Ghost. Who'll win?
  4. The longest Shortest story in the book of the shortest stories ever
    A really long short story.
  5. The World of Nom Noms
    nom nom nom nom nom nom......
  6. Rain Bow Sickness
    In other words, I had no time today. But this is funny to read anyway. :D
  7. The Map!
    Where the bloody heck does Candy Corn live anyway?
  8. Scarting Ugly Cat
    Half way through his interesting journey, he meets some one also interesting....
  9. Candy Corn's First Words
    Candy corn finalyl has some plot in his life, by trying to find where he lived. He encounters an ugly talking cat called "prince". Prince happens to have a request for Candy corn.
  10. Holy Melon Bread.
    Candy corn recently had a run into with a ugly little talking cat named prince. Prince wanted some help from Candy Corn in return.