The Shortest Stories Ever

CandyCorn's Paint Adventure

Back To Candy Corn's Life-----

Candy Corn was playing Video Games, or in his eyes, "Breathing". He loved playing modern Warfare 2! Something about playing the same bloody story was fascinating. Or maybe he just ran out of games to play, which seemed impossible for him.

But he wasn't playing that. He was playing Mario Paint! Which he swears only became popular because it had the word "Mario" in it. He tried painting on it didn't turn out very well, he then threw the controller on the ground! Being mad was usually random to him. The controller broke. Great. Candy Corn didn't care in the end.

He threw the bloody controller on the ground because HE WAS ITCHY. The ITCH was messing up his art!

THEN! An EVIL, note an EVIL, but good because he's christian, MAN RAN IN FROM HIS WINDOW! He Claimed his name was LEONARDO DA VINCI......the second.

Leonardo CHALLENGED the unicorn to a DUEL because he was passing by and really has no life at this rate. Candy Corn quickly took out his MAGIC CARDS to ready his mana and strategical mode!! But no. Leonardo wanted to PAINT!!! No duh at that point.

And so they DUELED!! It was very EPIC indeed. Five days later. NEITHER OF THEM FINISHED!!! Which makes you wonder if they had even started half way through.
So Leonardo attempted cheating, he Suddenly screamed out "KAME-HAME-HA!!!!" And did
the EPIC pose that everyone on Dragon Ball Z did!! Yeah well it worked.
Candy Corn was Distracted! And he LOST. But that's okay because Candy Corn went
back to playing his video games and Leonardo went satanist. What can you say?

And Candy Corn's mom died. That was also your relative so at least shed a tear or tear for the large lady. Turns out. During the epic, waste of time, battle. The large woman choked on a hot dog. She used to love opera because she was great at it, but not anymore.

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