The Shortest Stories Ever

The World of Nom Noms

----Candy Corn Starring in------


This Program is sponsored by "Bob's really tasty candy".

Well, not really but you can use your imagination.

------Candy Corn's Head quarters------

Candy Corn was playing video games, this time he was playing Star Fox, one of his favorites because he liked how in battle everyone relied on him. But after an hour of "Fox! Fox!" "Help me Fox!" and crap he later destroyed the Nintendo. But that's okay because it was one out of the many in his basement.

Anyway, Candy Corn got really hungry. And he prepared WAFFLES because he was hungry, Which is weird because he drank that potion that he got last chapter, so he shouldn't be hungry at all. So he went to his room, which was the same room he was in now, and found the potion bottle in the recycling bin. He read the label, "Temporary Use Only". Candy Corn got mad and sued the makers of the product, he didn't win though, but that's okay because Candy Corn just went back to video games.

When Candy Corn came home, he was so mad he threw down a magical Genie lamp he had conveniently in his house. When he did so, he went threw some sort of BLACK HOLE, not being racist or anything. When he got to, he looked around and all he saw was, nom noms. I don't know how he knew what they were, but he knew. Nom noms were little white fuzzy mice looking things with HUGE mouths and a bunny tail. People would find them cute, and sometimes mistake them for Pokemon because they would go "nom nom nom" which is how they got their names. Duh.

Anyway, Candy Corn saw the nom noms. The nom noms saw him. Candy Corn had been waiting for this day for a long time. So he takes out his Jedi swords and suddenly the nom noms had VAMPIRE TEETH! They were actually VAMPIRE NOM NOMS.

Just kidding.
They were normal nom noms.......

...for now.

Candy Corn found out that all the magical cute little nom noms were all friendly! So Candy Corn slashes through them ANYWAY!! It was a Gorey Mess! Candy Corn wanted MORE.
He had gone BLOOD THIRSTY. He went through the Towns of Nom Noms and burst through doors and KILLED ALL THE NOM NOMS. well, actually....

he didn't, or did he? I don't know all I know is that he killed the first nom noms. I think it was an accident. Accidentally cutting them in half, common you know?

Anyway, after that fiasco Candy Corn traveled home because he could not afford a taxi. Besides, they really stink around these parts. When he got home he sat down and ate his waffles he made before the incident, but the waffles left them out too long so they were a bit moldy. So Candy Corn was sick that night. But that's okay because he went back to his video games.

----T H E E N D----
♠ ♠ ♠
.....I wonder if I make people wonder if they wonder that they'd make people wonder about the things I wonder. I wonder?