The Shortest Stories Ever

The Map!

----In Candy Corn's Bat Cave---

Candy Corn wasn't playing Video Games.

Yeah I know, Big shocker right?

Instead, he was fiddling with his Jedi sword. It didn't seem to cut as well. Now it would cut half way through wood instead just fully, while burning the rest of the wood. Candy Corn questioned if it needed sharpening. He was sure that would be pricey. Especially finding someone to sharpen plasma.

After hours of not playing video games. Whcih for Candy Corn was like not breathing. He threw the bloody sword against some dusty book case. Dust filled the air like fog. Which was gross. Because some of that dust isn't even dust. More like floating dead nats.

Off the old dusty, floating dead nats, bookcase fell a scroll like thing. Well it was a scroll but it looked more like ripped up tissue paper at this point. He picked it up carefully for it was going to turn into dust with the touch of his hoof.

Yeah, a Hoof. How he plays video games?
Hell if I know.

He reads it. Or in this case looks at it. He can't read this thing. It's destroyed. Dust in his hoof. But he realizes it was a map. He's never seen a real map before. Usually he's all holed up in his house. That needs some major cleaning. His house gives you the image of toe jam of a dragon. Horrible.

The only time he's seen some form of maps were on video games like The Adventures of Link or Super mario Bros. 3 or something rather. Which weren't very correct. He thought about the map as it was crumbling away in his hooves, which fell on the floor blending in with the rest of the dust.

Candy Corn thought about where he lived. He lived in a dense forest inside a old cottage house once owned by a very large woman, his mother. Which is your relative. Who died.
Which you will ALWAYS be reminded of......Forever.

Candy Corn wasn't sure where he lived. Like, what country. Or state. Or region. He soon was curious about this. He got up and prepared all items. Which was a pack of monster energy drinks, a pack of ninja stars, and a couple of waffles. Blueberry waffles.

He was sad about his Jedi sword. He couldn't bring it. It was broken. Mainly because he threw it against the bookcase. and it was dull. Somehow. Well ninja stars are good enough. Sorta. Candy Corn isn't the type to run. But if all else fails he could just poke his candy horn in the direction of his enemy and call it a day. And drink a monster.

He had recently been addicted to monsters. Gnomes gave him some and now it's practically a requirement for Candy Corn t have a Monster a day. Stupid Energy Drinks.
Yummy but dangerous. He set out to find out the name of his unknown lands that he somehow lived in.

To Be Continued.....


----For Later----
♠ ♠ ♠
a cliff hanger.

Something that even I have wondered....

*Sips monster*