Plain Jane

When you hear of High school, you think of preps, jocks and other social divisions such as the 'emo's. But what happens when you don't belong to any of them? What happens if you are in the middle?

What happens if no-one notices you? Leaving you with no conifdence, making the school system harder. What if you are an orphan with no one to comfort you? What if you only had one true friend?

What if no- one knew you existed?

What if there was no-one to care about you?

Welcome to the world of 16 year old Jane Mcdonald. A girl who despite her situation never complains. After being dumped in a childrens home after the death of her parents, she desparately tries to get out of high school alive!

But most of all, she wants somebody to love...somebody to love her back, before it's too late.