Status: I'm dealing with some personal issues. Vacation 7/2 through 7/10. Hopefully I will get better. </3 I miss you.

Love and Death

006:Audrey:Herr Remshi

As soon as I got out of the car and took a deep breathe, I felt at home. I instantly grabbed Quin and Bill’s hands and if I had another I would have grabbed Tom’s. I pulled them across the street and dove headfirst into the craft tents.

I went to my favorite booth to say hello and to purchase yet another ‘Free Tibet’ bracelet. Remshi was, as usual, sitting and crocheting. The last time he was crocheting an afghan for his mother and I had asked him to make one for me with rainbow colors. Considering he has seven different scans of yarn I assume he is making mine right now.

“Tashi delek, Rimshi!” I said happily and skipped up to the aging man. Remshi is a sixty-four year old Tibetan refugee. He has been growing food and making crafts for as long as he can
remember and he has had a booth at the market for as long as I could remember.

“Oh, Audrey! My dear, come sit! I am just finishing up the afghan you requested. It was quite interesting to make!” I sat down on the ground in front of Remshi and examined my custom made blanket.

“Remshi, it’s perfect! Thank you so much! Even the fringe is amazing. You never let me down. I would like you to meet my friends.” I turned around and motioned for the boys to come to me. Bill was already looking at Remshi’s jewelry and he eagerly came to greet the man. Tom was slightly more reluctant but came when Quin pushed him forward.

“This is Bill!” I said poking Bill in the tummy. “And this is his twin brother, Tom!” I pointed to Tom and he waved.

“It is very nice to meet you boys. Tashi delek, and tashi delek to you as well, Quincie.” Remshi said and continued to stitch. “Audrey, I will be finished with this in about forty minutes. Why don’t you go around with your friends and come back when you’re all done.”
I smiled at Remshi and nodded. “Ok, Remmy! I’ll be back later, I promise!” I kissed his cheek and walked away to the other tents with the boys.

“How do you know him?” Tom asked.

“He’s been here for as long as I’ve been going to the market. When I was smaller I would insist on getting a bracelet evertime I saw Remshi. I used to call him ‘Herr Remmy’.” Bill smiled and Tom laughed. Quin just beamed like a freaking dork. I arched an eyebrow at him but he just kept that look on his face.

“C’mon, lovelies! There is much to see and buy!” I led the boys off in the general direction of fun. After forty seconds of silent walking Bill shrieked and ran off into one of the tents. Tom just walked at a normal pace and followed his brother. Just them Quin’s mobile went off and he groaned. He fished it out of his pocket and began speaking in swift Japanese. I grabbed his arm while he spoke and drug him towards where Bill and Tom went.

When I saw Bill I nearly died. He found the animal stoking caps. Bill was grabbing his favorites and when I walked up with Quin he asked what my favorite hat is. I smiled and pointed to the zebra one and he nodded and picked that one up too.

Quin finished his conversation and looked at me. “I have to go downtown to meet Dan somewhere. He said something about a stripper on the loose and this being an ‘emergency.’”
Tom’s ears perked up and the word ‘stripper.’ “Can I come with you?”

“Fer sure!” Quin said. “Audrey can I borrow your keys and maybe pick you up in a few hours?”

“Nein! Don’t worry, love! Billa and I can grab lunch here and head over to the gardens. From there we can walk home.” I handed him the keys and they were off like a prom dress.

“So, Billa, do you have enough hats yet?”

“Ja, I think so.” Bill had about six hats in his hands. He took them into the tent to pay and emerged with the largest grin on his face. I took his bag and put it into my own.

We continued to walk into the open air buildings, this one happened to have flowers. I grabbed a few bouquets and gently put them into my bag. “So I heard you singing this morning. You’re very good.”

“Is that why you were sitting by the door?” He had a teasing smile on his face and I just wanted to hug him. All around us people were moving and purchasing but we were content
with just learning about each other.

I nodded. “Singing is my life.” He took a deep breath. “Singing is how I communicate. It is how I eat, sleep, and breathe!”

“That’s how I feel about music in general. Piano is my addiction.” We had reached the end of this building and on the very last table were bean-stuffed animals. Bill picked one up and studied it.

“Audrey, it’s a dragon!” He brought the dragon up to his face and pretended to be a dragon too. He pretended to breathe fire and made his hand into a claw. “I have to buy this! You should get one too and then they can be twins.”

“I like that plan.” I picked out a dragon and a few other animals and paid before we went to the next building. On the corner was one of my favorite performers, two men, one who plays violin and one who plays guitar. I found a twenty in my wallet and dropped it into the hat that was sitting on the ground. Bill also dropped in some money and we continued onto the food building.

As soon as you get close to the building the smell of fresh herbs assaults you leaving, you giddy. The people rushed about bargaining and placing things into bags so they could get on their way to make lunch. We went up the steps and I gasped and took several deep breaths. The first thing I smelt was cilantro, then mint, ginger, and oregano.

Bill went up to the tables and helped me pick out herbs and fruits and vegetables. Many of this seasons fruits were already ripe. We escaped the crowded building and got back to the beginning.

“Now, time for lunch.” I grabbed Bill’s hand and went to the sweet corn booth. “Two please!”
The man smiled. “Sure thing, sweetie, six dollars.” He handed me one ear and Bill the other, I sprinkled salt on them and then wrapped them up in the husks. Next I went to get lemonade. We ordered, paid and then set off on the trek back to Remshi.

“So, Audrey, last night at dinner, why did you get so freaked out when it came out that you haven’t been to Germany?” Bill asked

Damn, I knew this was coming. “Because it’s always been something that I wish I could have done. I have always wanted to go home. I’ve just never gotten the opportunity. “
Bill thought for a moment and then a spark was lit in his coffee colored eyes. “Would you like to go to Germany with me when I go back?”

I stopped and stared at him for a moment until he turned around. “JA!” I screamed. Several nearby people stared but soon disregarded it. I skipped to Bill and wrapped my arms around his torso, careful not to spill anything or crush anything in my bag. He hugged back and when we pulled apart he was smiling.

“I would be happy to take you to Germany.” I smiled and skipped over to Remmy. “Herr Remshi! Bill said he would take me to Germany!” I smiled and he smiled back at me.
“Little one I am so happy for you.” Remshi got up and hugged me. I gently but tightly hugged him back. “Ok so here is your blanket. It is very large and it should fit a king size bed. You love that blanket, ok little one?”

“Yes, Remmy! I love you!” I hugged him one more time before me and Bill left the market.

“So where are we going?” Bill asked after we crossed several streets.

“The sculpture garden. When you were driving here did you notice and giant spoon with a giant cherry on it?” I walked up to a street signal and pushed the button so we could walk across the street.


“Oh, well you are about to see It.” I poked him in the stomach and said, “Tag, your it!” before started running up the stairs to the bridge across the freeway and to the gardens. I heard Bill running behind me but I kept running until I got to the middle of the bridge and stopped. Bill must not have noticed I stopped because he ran into me and then paused.

The freeway down below had suddenly become very frightening as I remembered the events that unfolded here years ago. Bill grabbed my arm and begun to lead me away. “C’mon, Auddy. The food is getting cold.” He whispered in German.

All I did was allow myself to be drug away as I begged myself to forget for just a moment. All I need is a moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
TASHI DELEK!!! It's 'hello' in Tibetan. =D
I feel like I'm not making the characters memorable. And that the story is just rambeling on and on and on. I'm gonna do the next few chapters from other points of view. Maybe Toms. He is important. More so than you would think. And Quin seams to be a favorite. Hmmm.. Tell me your thoughts, bitte.
Lookie here! Market Photos

I will be going on vacation from Sunday the 3rd until Friday the 8th. I wrote this chapter literally seven times. I kept getting 300 words down and then hating it. After I went to the market I finally had enough inspiration and determination to actually write it.

You should listen to this or this but especially this.

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Ollie O'Callighan.