Deaf Magnet

First day

This is officially my first day of high school. Well going to a real school at all. I've always been home schooled, try being in the first grade when no one can talk to you. Your subdued to writing your thoughts at all times, because you want to talk to people without your interpreter.

I mean I've always wanted to be able to hear, I mean it's like a blind person wanting to be able to see the sun rise, or a six year old wanting to be able to ride a bike without falling off every five seconds. Wanting to be able to walk out of your house without being terrified of everything around you. Wanting to be able to let your child go to the park without worrying every second that they could be kidnapped.

But now I realize that I don't need to be able to hear to have real friends and to be able to dance to your own beat.

I walk into my first class Biology. A lady, I'm assuming the teacher motions me towards her and I see new interpreter sitting next to the teachers desk. She asks me how I am. How: hands in a TP shape going outwards of your body and turning so they face upward. Are: fingers crossed, put to your chin moving out away from your body. You: point to another person.

I answer with a good and ask her how she is also. Good: right hand start at chin, left hand down and bring your right hand down to left hand both palms facing up.

She also says good.

I sit in my assigned seat in the front when I'm tapped on the shoulder. I look back to a girl with blonde hair. She waves 'hi' to me and I wave back to her.

She signs to me "What your name?" What: left hand straight up and down, right pointer finger runs down left hand. Your and you are the same. Name: middle and pointer finger on both hands tap each other with right middle finder touching top of left pointer finger.

I tell her my name is Annette. She looks at me confused so I slow it down and her mouth forms and oh. She tells me 'pretty name'. Pretty: right hand in fist and forming a circular motion around the face saying beautiful or pretty.

She also tells me that she is just learning sign language. I: point to self. sign language: both pointer fingers point upward and in circular motions.
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Again if you dont understand the signs I will try to explain them better. All you have to do is ask. Also if you think I have the signs wrong just tell me and I will look them up or ask my friend to help me. hehe so yeah.

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