Uncovered Links

Epilogue/Chapter One: Awaken

He hadn't really wondered why or why him. Why did he get a strange gut feeling in the middle of the night? Why he had felt beyond all logical advice to leave his house? Drake really didn't try to analyze these type of feelings. He just went with them. In his mind going against yourself and feelings would come back to harm you later. He had carried that philosophy all his life.
But this time that feeling had led him walking down a dark desolate street . "What have I gotten myself into", he thought as he passed car after car to satisfy the strange feeling he had. Just as he was about to give up and go home, he heard faint footsteps coming in the opposite direction. Usually letting his curiosity get the best of him, he decided to hide behind a tree and spy the person out.
He couldn't get a good look at the stranger because it was too dark and for some odd reason the street lights weren't on, but he could tell from the shadowy silhouette and the way the person moved that it was a girl. She had a very slim feature and although he couldn't see it clearly she had a very distinct walk. He smirked a little as she began to walk past the tree, giving a better view of her still but yet not revealing her face. "I wonder why a woman like that is out this late Last time I checked there weren’t any clubs around here". But his train of thought had been cut off as the weather changed unexpectedly. It had been a breezy and cool night but now he couldn't feel the wind anymore. He couldn't feel any weather anymore. Like something cold and heartless had taken over the area.
As he pondered this he noticed something rising behind the girl. It looked …in fact It didn't look human. Like a beast and from his vintage point, one made of shadow. Well it didn't matter what it was or the way it looked. All that mattered was that the beast was about to attack the girl from behind! So without another thought he ran from behind the tree and tackled the beast into a truck he had no idea was there. The girl turned around but not with a start. She turned her head slightly and then turned her entire body around to face Drake. Almost like she was expecting this to happen.
He turned his head and grinned at her (which with how dark it was, completely pointless). "I got you covered" he said without thinking. "You just get out of here". He turned his head back around but as he did that beast put its arm out and nudged him out of the way. He couldn’t tell for sure but it felt like the beasts claws had nicked, leaving a small cut atop his shoulder. Not one to be taken out of a fight lightly, Drake grabbed the beast's arm for leverage and fired off a hard sidekick to its sides. It was a direct hit with enough force to send the beast a few pegs back.
This came as no surprise to Drake. He had taken Tae kwon doe ever since he was 5. In his mind, his kicks were powerful enough to break through a steel wall. (In his mind alone) While the "thing of shadow" was paused for a moment, Drake took the opportunity to capitalize. He sent out a hard right hook connecting with the things jaw and sending it flying. For a beast with a pretty sinister look and presence it was extremely light. Normally it takes a little pressure or some amount of force to lift anything but that was practically like lifting a feather.
After coping with the oddity of the situation,he turned around to see the girl still standing in front of him. He began to walk towards her but noticed almost instantly something was wrong. His body wasn't moving at its usual pace. It was slow and sluggish like some unknown force was holding him down. He shrugged it off as he continued to walk towards her. Suddenly she lashed herself onto him in a thankful hug. "Thank you", she whispered in his ear as she gently kissed him on the cheek. "Well as odd as all that was im glad your ok mystery girl" he replied slowly back in her ear. "But I feel strange" he added as his eyes began to close without his consent. She giggled a little at this and loosened her hug. "Your sweet, but that wasn't a "will you go out with me", kiss. It was a thank you one". He laughed at this, eyes closed, as the rest of his body was beginning to get heavy. Like whatever had been holding him down had added a few more pounds to the load. He felt all his energy leave his body as it became more and more difficult to keep him self up. Giving up he gently pushed himself off of her and began to fall on the grass. "I know that. But it was still a nice one" he replied as his head hit the grass. "I hope we get to meet again". Those last words seemed to drift out of his mouth as he now laid before the girl unconscious.
But as she saw him lying there, she noticed a faint flash of green coming from around his neck. She felt around his neck only to feel a thin chain. Gently pulling on it she came to discover a beautifully crafted gold dragon with an emerald in its coiled tail. The light from the emerald illuminated just enough to allow her a glimpse at the necklace and dragon around his neck. She also took note at the fact that the longer she had held it the brighter its light became. "So you are his medium", she said quietly as she put it back in its place.
As the girl enjoyed this calm moment, the silence of the night was broken by the vengeful cry of the beast. It had launched itself into the air and was now hurtling towards her. She slowly lifted her right hand from her side as it begin to glow brighter and brighter like a charging battery. Once the light in her hand became bright enough to put any cars head lights to shame, she fired the it out in the form of a beam, eradicating the beast fully and completely like it was nothing.
It was also quiet the sight to see. A bright white line traveling threw the night sky, cutting threw the darkness so easily. Like it never stood to appose it in the first place. She quickly turned back around to look at an unconscious Drake. A bright light surrounded her hand and settled into the form of a dagger about the length of her fingertips to her elbows . She pointed the tip of it right at Drake and began to concentrate her energy. After a moment or two a tiny beam of light began to emit from its edge. It slowly covered Drake in a bright aura if u will. In a matter of seconds he was completely engulfed by the light from her dagger. The green glow of his emerald, though not as bright as her light, began to cover him as well.
She couldn't help but let out a laugh as the wind began to return and encircle Drake. It swirled around him fast and viciously as if it was meant to protect him from all harm. "I release you from your chains", the girl began to say as the wind began to swirl faster and faster around Drake." Blow freely throughout this world as you were always meant too". With this line she cut off the beam emitting from the tip of her key and raised it to the sky. "Unpredictable Wind"! As these words left her mouth a chaotic and untamed tornado whipped up engulfing them both in its howl. But as it began to cover her completely the girl couldn't help but smile. She had finally found what she was looking for.
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Man i wrote this a while ago. Had to revamp it a bit before i posted it but im happy with the results.