Of Quidditch Tournaments and Falling In Love

Chapter 1


I sat on my desk, ;aptop open and running, parchment being held by two of my books holding the top and the bottom from rolling up.

My cell phoe sat on my desk also the red light flashing at me indicating that I needed to charge it

I sighed scrolling down the page I was on.

Stupid muggle History. Why did I allow my best friend Amira, to convince to take this class next semester?

Oh right because she's my best friend.

As if she knew I was mentally cursing her, my phone started ringing 'For Your Entertainment', by the muggle musician Adam Lambert.

"Hello my friend." I answered jokingly.

"So you'll never guess what I got in the mail today!" Amira said an obvious smile on her face.

"Your acceptance letter for the Quidditch Tournament that's being held at Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Yes! Did you get ours? Cecilia this is going to amazing! Can you believe it?" she asked.

"How else would I had known? I am so excited!"aid giving upon my essay.

"Me too! Those English boys might want to run and hide. When do we leave?" Amira asked.

"it's says on mine Auguest 20th. Class started September 2nd." I said looking at the letter.

"That's in two weeks. You think we could get some shopping in between now and then?" Amira asked.

"Um of course! Gotta show those English students how we roll!." I exclaimed laughing.

"Hey did your letter come with two pieces of parchment?" Amira asked.

"Um yeah it did." I said looking atat the secind piece.

"Malfoy, why does that name sound familiar?" Amira asked.

"Rich death eater family. Weasley,hm, I've heard of them too." i said

"Oh that's right!" Amira exclaimed.

Even though Amira and I lived in high class New York didn't mean we didn't knw what was going on in other countries. It was a requirement at our school; Duschene Acadany of Magic.

And Lord Voldemort was just as a big threat to us American's as they were to the English.

"Oh well. At least we get to go to the same school right?" Amira asked.

"Duh, Some stupid Foriegn Exchange program isn't going to stop us from beig friends." I said.

"Sweet! Well I have to on D.A.D.A homework. Shopping tomorrow?" Amira asked.

"Of course." I said.

We both exchanged our good-byes and hung up.

I glared at the laptop and started my essay.

Stupid Muggle History Class.
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its up :D