Of Quidditch Tournaments and Falling In Love

Chapter 4

"Finally!" Amira exclaimed as we pulled up into the beach entrance.

"Now the hard part finding Nick and Joe." I said driving down the beach.

"Just look for Nick's mustang.t has to be here somewhere." Amira said .

"Oh! There itis!" I saif before pulling up to it and parking.

"About time you got here." Nick said as both Amira and I get out of the car.

"Afraid we were going to bail?" Amiea teased as she made her way to Joe's side.

"Nah, Nick's just a perfectionist." Joe said with a laugh as nick went to punch his arm.

I laughed wrapping my arms around Nick's waist.

"I know." I said looking up at him grinning which earned me a kiss.

I kissed back groaning when Amira pulled me away.

"You'll be able to kiss and make out later. Right now we're gonna suntan." she said

I gave Nick a smile before going and sitting inone of the chairs

"Oh come on Cecilia you can't tan with our clothes on." Amira said as she stepped out of her shorts.

I rollled my eyes at her beofre slipping my shirt off sending a glare in Nick's direction when he started to wolf whistle at me.

Once my shorts were off I sat back down putting my sunglasses down onto the bridge of my nose.

I grabbed my ipod and put one of the headphones int my ear.

"So this was a great idea." Amira said as she put tanning lotion on.

"Yes, Am, you had a great idea." I said watching as Joe and Nick started playing football.

"I can't believe this summer is almost over. Well the America portion that is." I said pouting at my best friend.

"I know. But at lesat we spent most of it with those two hott boys." she said handing me the bottle of lotion

"I knoe, I'm gonna miss them. Especially Nick." I said blushing as he took of his shirt.

"I know what you mean. We'll have to exchange numbers." Amira said

I shrugged as i got comfortable. "I don't know. I though summer flings ended when summer did."

"I think this summer fling might become more." Amira said as ea watched Joe tackle Nick.

I started to laugh. "Sorry." I said when Nick sent a playful glare in my direction.

I sat back and pressed play on my ipod when I saw that Amira had done the same.


:Go away." I said when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Come on. It's getting hot and I want to go play in the water." Amira said ass he yanked my headphones out of my ear.

I turned over to glare at her. "Please? I''ve already tried Joe but he's too busy playing catch with Nick." Amira said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Hm, fine." I said getting up grabbing sunglasses and putting them back on.

"Yay! Come on. I want to use those squirt guns we picked up." Amira said as she ran to my car.

I laughed running after her grabbing the blue one while she grabbed the green one.

We ran to the water and filled the guns up.

"On three?" I asked. Amira nodded grinning.

"1...2...3!" I counted running at Nick and Joe squirting at them with the small gun.

Amira caught up with me laughing as Joe and Nick tried to get away.

"Oh crap." I said my water gun empty.

I looked at Nick griining at him before running towards the water.

"Run, Cecilia Run!" I heard Amira call.

"You get near me I will splach yu." I threatened when I turned around in the water.

Nick raised a challenging eyebrow at me as he took a step closer.

I put my hands in the water getting ready to splash him.

A battle cry came out of no where as Amira ran up to Nick tackling into the water. i started to laugh when suddenly Joe came up and tackled me into the water.

When I resurfaced I sputtered.

Joe smiled sheepishly at me before I was splashed by Nick. I glared at him before starting to splash him back.

The Water War was on.

Almost an hour later, I put my hands up in defeat.

"Oh okay. I'm done." I panted as I leaned up against Nick's chest.

"Me too." Amira agreed. "I'm hungry." she said looking up at Joe.

"Oh do you know what sounds good right now?" Nick asked.

"Cool hand Lukes?" I asked him.

"That too." he mumbled kissing my shoulder.

"Mm you two go get dressed and we'll go eat.." Joe said giving Amira a kiss.

Nick did the same to me and we did as we were told.
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sorry for the long wait!!