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The Life of a Teenager

I Couldn't Be Happier

Today was a good day.
Long English Exam in the morning,
Hilarious lunch after that.
Non-stop laughter
Everyday's like that.

But today, I realized something
That I've never paid much attention to before.
How when you have true friends
No matter what position you're in
They'll be there with you

How no matter how many times
Riah calls X.J. fat or fagot,
They're still laughing two seconds later
How even though half the things Sav says aren't heard
She still sits with us everyday
And we always include her.

How when you're around your true friends
You can't stop smiling and laughing
Not only because they're hilarious,
But because you're still in shock that you finally found people who understand you.
How even after lunch
After jumping and screaming down the hot halls, toward the gym
After finding a way around the teachers so that we can all sit together,
After everything that hot, scorching day . . .

I couldn't be happier
Sitting in the crammed
Waiting for an assembly that
I don't know the reason for,
Between my two best friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did you think? Just a reflection on my day. :)