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The Life of a Teenager

I Don't Miss Him, I Miss Who I Thought He Was

We've all been there. We've all been in the situation where we thought we loved someone with a heated passion. Where we loved that person to a point where we would do anything for that person. Literally anything.

That was me too.

His name was Brandon. He was this really adorable senior. That told me I was funny... That told me I was the best hugger ever. We even did that cheesy "Wedding" where I proposed to him with Ring Pops. I gave him my favorite stuffed animal. My cute and cuddly monkey named Gregory. Brandon told me he would be my superman... If only he didn't have to work. I even spent $16 on him at Disney World by buying him Mickey Mouse ears...

One day I got up the nerve to ask Brandon if he would want to possibly date me. His response?


Is that even a word?! I didn't care all I knew was that it stung. It hurt so much to see that cold-hearted one-worded reply.

The next day at school I held my head high and pretended like nothing had even happened. Brandon... He did the same. I didn't ever speak of it again, and nor did he.

Time passed and we became good friends. In my opinion of course. Soon he befriended my friend Katie Ray. She told me she made out with him. Yeah that was cold. Yeah that was low. It fucking stung like a wasp on the heel of your foot. Katie ray did promise me that she would never under any circumstances date him. This promise was soon broken when I found out from another friend of mine that they were dating. Of course it hurt, but I couldn't tell them not to, I was after all...Just a friend.

They didn't last long at all and Brandon became depressed. He really did love her. She used him. I couldn't trust her, but I did anyways because in my head I thought it would get me closer to Brandon. I soon started smoking and drinking with Katie Ray. She was a really bad influence on me, but I didn't care, I got to see Brandon.

One night we were both drunk and I started texting Brandon. I told him dirty things...Too dirty for this story I'm telling you right now... I even made him a promise. That if he came and got us, we would have a threesome. I knew he was going to agree, it was with Katie Ray! How selfish of me...

Next day came around and he picked me and her up. We got to his house. We did things... Again, things too inappropriate for this story.

Katie ended up telling this guy she liked what happened. I told one person myself, but it was my closest friend that is 100% against spreading rumors about her own friends. Anyways, the word got out across the band. Yes, me and Brandon were in band. He started saying harsh things about me to protect his Rep. Me? I looked like a fat lying slut, because Katie told Brandon it was my fault that they knew, and of course who is Brandon going to believe?

Things got to the point where I didn't even talk to him or Katie for awhile. One day I tested Brandon. He was surely heartbroken and told me straight up what he thought that night.

"I didn't even want you there that night...I had nothing to do with you. I was only there for Katie..."

Those words were forever imprinted in my mind. I almost gave it up to this guy. (To this day I am still a virgin...We didn't go all of the way.)

That day I lost respect for him. You would think I'd stop talking to him right? Wrong. I still talked to him. For some strange reason I was constantly being pulled back into him, and he wasn't even aware of it.

Brandon went onto graduate, I stayed at school. After that I did something illegal. I started sexting him... I sent him pictures of myself, and he in vice versa would sext back. I thought that if by giving him sex, he would end up liking me.

My plan failed.

To this day I still try to get him to hang out with me. I still try to get him to hold a conversation worth having.

To this day I have wasted every single day of my freshman year to some guy who will never do the same...
♠ ♠ ♠
100% true.