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The Life of a Teenager

I love it all

I love myself
Why should I hate myself?
Everyone has flaws
I get to choose how I act and think
I can change it

I love my friends
Why should I hate them?
Everyone gets a little mad at their friends sometimes
I get to choose who they are
I can change who I hang out with

I love my haters
Why should I hate them?
Everyone has at least one
They show you how much you have in life
Who you are
I can change who they are

I love my life
Why should I hate it?
Everyone has problems
Everyone can think of something they want to change
I can change it

I don't feel anger
I don't feel sadness
They are simply things I don't want to waste my time on
no matter how harsh things get
♠ ♠ ♠
Ever since the moment I wrote this poem, this is how I've felt.