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The Life of a Teenager

This Teenager

I feel like everything is falling apart.
Most of my family has cancer. Even my dog.
My mom was diagnosed with lymphoma earlier this year.
Grandfather had skin cancer on his nose, colon cancer, and now he has leukemia.
One of my aunts has breast cancer.
Another aunt died from lymphoma shortly after I was born.
The list goes on and on and on.
I'm afraid that I'll get cancer eventually.

I don't feel pretty, or talented, or popular, or good at anything I do.
People compliment me all the time, but I don't believe them.

I feel... dirty inside.
Dirty and grey, like a used dishrag that no one is willing to replace.

But I met a guy.
He makes me feel shiny and silver and new.
Just the way we are when our eyes meet makes it happen.

That's the life of this teenager.