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The Life of a Teenager



You know that saying “Expect the unexpected”? Well I learned (and I know I should have learned this long ago) that even if you expect the unexpected, you aren’t always going to be prepared.

Your probably thinking ‘Well, duh! It is just a saying after all. You can’t really expect the unexpected, because…well its unknown to you. Also, even if you tried there would still be unknown things floating around and no matter how good you are at expecting things something will catch you off guard. Weather it be good or bad.’ Well If you weren’t thinking that then you are at least mulling it over now.

Anyway, I found out recently that the above it true. Although not in a way that seems really important, like dangerous, I suppose. Truth be told, I was really depressed recently because of Thanksgiving and my Grandma’s (may she rest in peace) birthday, and Christmas, being all so close together, yet she (my grandma) wasn’t around to celebrate. I mean her birthday was the day after Thanksgiving, and she wasn’t around. Then Christmas had brought up how hard it was for people, who were still alive, to actually get together. Although I hid my unhappiness with fake a fake smile and laugh, not to mention stupid jokes, at the end of the day I felt utterly…alone. Even surrounded by a couple of people who I consider family.

Just the other day the loneliness, and emptiness, of not being with my true family, completely together and whole, hit me hard. I was thinking of ways that I could escape it all, that hollow feeling of something is missing, and such. Of course, writing helped a bit, and listening to music did too, but as much as it helped, the lingering feeling of ‘your family is never going to be truly complete again’ it was that lingering hollow, emptiness, that made me think of less constructive ways to escape my problems.

I would have done it too, had it not been for that expected yet completely expected thing happening.

I was about to do that less constructive thing, when my boyfriend tossed an envelope at me. I had been expecting that piece of mail to show up soon, and I knew what it contained. What I hadn’t expected was it to make me…smile and realize that no matter what I wasn’t really alone, that even though part of my family was gone and not coming back, I wasn’t going to have this empty feeling forever. Would it still be there? Definitely. Would it hurt as much? Not as bad. I could get through this slight downer, even though it’s been almost a year and a half since my Grandma left and it shouldn’t be hurting as much as it is, I would bounce back. It didn’t matter that it could and would most likely happen again. Thinking about it now, even makes me a little upset but after getting that mail, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much. It’s a little better.

All in all what I’m saying is not matter what you’ll never be really able to expect the unexpected.

The expected for me was: A Christmas card from a friend

The unexpected: How it truly helped even though it was a, you’re my friend and I hope you enjoyed your holiday, type card.

Still, I love that card, means a lot, for something so easily reuined. If I can help it though, it never will get ruined.
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Sometimes, even something so simple can save you.