A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy

Chapter 9

"Its your turn, Brendon."

"What? No! I did it last time!"

Before Brendon could finish his sentence, Ryan was fast asleep. His snooring almost blocked out the babies loud screaming in the other room.

"Brendon!" Spencer yelled from his room."I need quite for my dinosaurs!"

While walking into the nursery so he could silence the baby, he tripped over one of the many plastic 'pet' dinosaurs."Spencer!Your god damn dinosaur tripped me!"

"Sorry. Ask for an apology."

"No. I will never, ever, ask for an apology from a dinosaur."


End of conversation.

"Aw," Brendon gushed about baby Ryden."You are just too adorable."

Brendon's gushiness (if that is a word?) was taken advantage of. Brendom decided to make a surprise appearance.

"Hello, my prescious." He looked down at the innocent face."You will be a great minion."

"Brendon, I can hear you." Jon said down the hall.

"Shut up! You too will be a minion!" Brendon screamed. "P.S,it's Brendom."


Baby Rydon giggled, finding the arguement amusing. "Hush, my child. Hush. You need rest for your evil deeds tommorrow. You totally should steal Spencer's dinosaurs."

Hearing the last part, Spencer ran in, scooping up his dinosaurs, and running off.
♠ ♠ ♠

Filler ._. Sorry,our five lovely subscribers!And it took me a month and a half to get out...You all have permission to kill me,chop up my body,and hide it throughtout my house for my family to find.

Me and lovely Kaela have started another demented Ryden story.I dont have a link right now sadly >.> So you all are forced to go check one of our profiles and find it!!> : D