How Rain Was Created

How Rain Was Created

A long time ago before land and water was created; there was a mother and son that lived on the clouds. They were very happy living on the cloud together. The problem was there was this long on going feud between the son’s mother and another man that lived on a different cloud. Even though the son’s mother was fighting and didn’t like the man, the son was very good friends with the man’s daughter. He also planned to one day marry the girl and move on another cloud together. The mother knew about the plans and was fine with them. She may not like the girl’s father, but those feelings did not carry on to the girl. The mother, son, and girl were trying their hardest to keep the friendship and marriage a secret from the girl’s father. The son and girl were 15-years-old at the time when they started keeping their friendship and plans to marry a secret from the girls father. When the son and the girl were both 18-years-old they decided to reveal the secret to the girl’s father. They both went up to the girl’s father. The son asked her father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The father was angered by the proposal of his daughter getting married to the son of the woman who he hates. Of course, the father said no to the son’s proposal. The son begged and pleaded the father to let his daughter marry him. The father still said no every time. For many days the son came to the father and asked for his daughter’s hand. Still the father said no, until one day the father said “You can only marry my daughter if you duel me to the death.” The son agreed. The father and son planned to fight the next day, they planned to fight with a bow and arrows. Early the next day the son and father met up with each other. The girl pleaded with her father to stop the madness. The father said no and stood strongly. The mother wasn’t thrilled about the fight to the death, but she would allow her son to do what he thought was best for him. The father told his daughter to count to three and say go. “1-2-3-GO!” The girl obeyed her father. The son shot his first arrow and it missed the girl’s father. Then the father shot his and he missed. Then the son missed two more times. The father missed the second one, but the third one struck the son in his heart. He dropped down dead. The girl screamed and started crying. The mother walked over to her son’s body. She started quietly crying, she kneeled down and kissed his forehead. She also closed his eyes because he died with them open. The girl’s father carried the son back to his and his mother’s cloud. The father dug a hole in the cloud. The mother and girl kissed the son goodbye. The girl eventually moved on and got married to someone else. The girl’s father mysteriously died shortly after he killed the son. The son’s mother never got over her sons death, so she cried all the time the clouds eventually fill up with her tears. Then the rain started to fall.
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something i wrote for school a few years ago. leave a comment. tell me what ya think? lol