Status: Active as can be! :)

Hello, Sunshine

Just Can't Hide My Feelings

Lily smiled as Ryan stared at her. She couldn't keep herself from giggling. She had been looking through the books that Ryan had and had found one of her favorites. She laid on Ryan's bed to read it as he sat there and stared at her, sending her into fits of giggles because she couldn't actually focus on reading.
Finally, she put the book down. "Why do you keep staring at me?" she laughed. Ryan just shrugged, smiling. "You're beautiful." he said softly. Lily felt her cheeks burn. His voice was so sweet when he said it. Only a mere whisper, yet it held so much emotion. She fell for him more and more every minute.
He got up from the bed and grabbed his guitar. Lily smiled as he started strumming random things, most of it she had never heard before. He looked at her, and started playing a song that was very familiar. One she remember from when they were younger.
He started humming the words, but he wouldn't sing. He could tell she wanted him to, but he still wasn't comfortable with his singing. But then, he looked into Lily's eyes and saw something. He couldn't tell what it was. But it was like she was telling him that he was perfect. She was giving him confidence. Slowly, he started to sing. It was quiet of course, but enough to make her happy. He stared at her the entire time he was playing. And she was staring right back. His music entranced her.
When he finished the song, she jumped up from the bed and wrapped her arms around his skinny frame. She felt so perfect with him. Everything was great when they were together.
They separated a little, so that they could stare into each others eyes. Ryan stroked her cheek with his hand and leaned in to capture her lips once again. He jumped though when he felt a vibration in his pocket. He quickly got out his cell phone and answered, not moving at all.
But after saying hello, he broke away from Lily and walked into the hallway without saying a word, leaving her standing in the middle of the room confused. She stepped into the hallway as he hung up.
"Who was that?" she asked, hoping she wasn't being too invasive. "No one." he said shakily. She didn't push the topic anymore.
"RYAN!" The two heard Brendon shout from downstairs. Ryan began to make his way down the stairs. He looked back towards Lily as she remained at the top of the steps.
"I'm just going to stay up here. Come up later if you want." She said smiling, entering her room. He nodded and continued on downstairs.

Once Ryan was out of sight, she made her way back over to his room. She went over to his desk once again, rummaging through the songs, grabbing the ones she liked best. Then she headed back to her room, papers in hand.
She set the papers on her bed, sitting Indian style, and started going through them. The lyrics were amazing. She pulled one paper out of the pile, setting the rest down. She hadn't seen this one before, but the lyrics were so familiar. It made her remember back to when she was young.
Ryan had come over one day to practice. When Brendon was in the kitchen, Lily wandered into the room, asking Ryan how his writing was coming along. He said that all was good, but he wanted her to hear one song. He said it was a special song, one that he wrote for someone he really liked and he had wanted Lily's opinion on it.
As she listened, she sound herself wishing he'd write a song for her. She had to admit, she was kind of jealous of whatever girl the song was actually about. But she gave him her opinion anyways.
As Lily read over the lyrics, she replayed the day in her mind when Ryan played that very song for her.
She was surprised that he still had the lyrics. But it made her smile anyways. Why would he keep it? He didn't really need it, did he? Her thoughts were cut short by the ringing of her cell phone. Her brothers name flashed on the screen. She shook her head at his laziness.
"You couldn't just yell up for me, or better yet, come upstairs? Instead you had to call me?" she laughed.
"Yeah, I'm lazy. So what?" he said. "The reason I'm calling is because I wanted to know if you wanted to go out to eat?" he continued.
"With who?" she asked.
"Just me, Ry, Spence, and Jon." he explained.
"Nah. I think I'm just gonna stay in tonight. Thanks for the offer though. Bring me something back?" she asked.
"Fine. You know, you gotta get out someday." he said.
Lily rolled her eyes. She told Brendon what she wanted to eat, and then hung up the phone.
She smiled as she thought of how weird her brother was sometimes. But she loved him. She had to, right?

She continued through the night, looking through the lyrics and reading her book. At some point or another, she fell asleep. Ryan consumed her dreams, he was singing that song to her. And what a beautiful dream it was.
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Tell me what you think please! :D