Status: Slow work in progress

Mind Maze


Cara woke at 5 in the morning with a feeling of depression deep inside her, something eating away at her mind.
“There is something... not right...”
She got out of her bed and ran towards the bakery door, realising it wasn’t locked.

“Your anger issues have always seemed quite useful to your strength, but quite dangerous for those around you of course”
“Who are you?”
“Oh, silly me! I am Aaron Dire, a scientist form...”
“The lab...”
“Ah! So you still have sufficient memories about it?”
“Yes, I’ve been having flash backs of events in my previous life, I think” Zane screwed up his face and turned his head towards his company “Why am I telling you this? I hardly even know you!”
“And I know you perfectly! You were the subject that was assigned to me as an experiment; so far you have helped finding another subject, much like yourself, that escaped from our grasp”
Zane’s eyes widened.
“An escape?”
“Yes, the subject is coded Cara or Beloved”
Zane though for a moment,
Cara, is she the baker, or the girl?
“Oh, just thought you should know, you have been deemed a ‘failed’ experiment, the Lab is sending out assassins to kill you, and Cara. Such a pity to see my work flushed away by the higher-ups, oh well, better go”
Zane had already started running to the bakery before Dire finished his sentence.

Cara got to the door to lock it, but the man was blocking her way. He had already locked it behind him
“I thought I told you not to come in here again?”
“...No, you didn’t, look, if you are Cara, you are going to have an assassination attempt on you!”
“Yeah, most likely by you!”
A window smashed, sending glass around the shop. A man was sitting on a nearby chair
“Mornin’ Ma’am, can I have a loaf of bread drenched in your blood?”
Before Cara had time to react, he already had his knife to her throat.
“Make a move Zaney boy and she loses her head!”
A rock flew at his head, knocking off his sunglasses.
“Leave her alone! She is the last person I care about!”
The man was dazed; Cara took that opportunity and kicked him in his delicates.
The man groaned as he fell to the floor. Cara ran over to the counter, a bread knife now in hand.
“How about rather than bread, I slice you up instead?”
“Heh” another window broke and the man was gone.
“Okay, Zane was it?”
“I most definitely believe you about the assassination attempt...”
“I told you!”
“... but I am still not convinced your on our side, for all I know, you could have set up that attack to gain our trust and kill Klair!
Zanes smile disappeared.
“K... Klair?”
“Yes the girl you tried killing yesterday!”
“Not Lucy brought back?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the long wait for this chapter, I lost the word document I was writting it on, then realised IT IS ON MIBBA! so I now have a new document to work with!