Status: New...tell me if I should continue this. :]

But I Never Promised You

Phase Two, Check

Jack and I quickly dissolved the rest of the sleeping pills into the water. No one paid enough attention to the most troublesome of the flight’s occupants to discover our plan. It was something I hadn’t expected, but I was grateful for, none-the-less.

After all the pills were dissolved, we snuck back into the storage room and placed the bag back into the refrigerator. We wanted to wait a few more hours to start the contest. It would give everyone a chance to wake up and for us to think of what to give the winner.

It was hard to believe we had only been on the plane for about four hours. This was a very long flight. If my calculations were correct, we had about twelve hours after the start of the contest to have everyone fall asleep and to hide their things. It may seem like a lot of time, but I wasn’t sure how long it would take everyone to fall asleep or if I would end up having to hit some of them over the head.

Jack and I decided to watch a movie to kill some time and when the movie was over, we would announce the contest.

The movie lasted two and a half hours and truthfully, I had chosen it for that fact.

Once the credits started rolling, I stood up from my seat and walked up the aisle to make sure everyone was awake. When I got to the front, I motioned for Jack to go get the water.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?”

Nearly a hundred eyes locked on my own.

“Can everyone hear me?”

I saw everyone’s head nod up and down.

“Good. You’re probably all wondering what I’m doing up here.”

“Well, yeah. I was in the middle of catching up on my favorite show.”

“That will have to wait for about five minutes. We’re going to have a contest. Consider it bonding or just a chance for more competition against the other bands. There will also be a prize for the winner to be announced after the contest. We don’t want anyone trying to cheat to get the prize, so we’re not telling you what it is.”

“Well, if we don’t know what the prize is, what makes you think we would even want it?”

“Oh, trust me; you’re going to want this prize.”

“Well, I’m not sure what you have come up with, but right now, unless it involves you naked in a hotel room with me, I’m not interested.”

I smirked. “By a show of hands, how many of you think this is stupid, but are enjoying the view?”

Nearly every hand was raised.

I knew what the prize was going to be, and I was also sure Alex wasn’t going to like it much.

“You’re all going to be chugging a cup of water. Simple right? Well, it was the only thing I could get permission to do thirty thousand feet in the air and I didn’t want to wait until we landed. Any questions?” No one had a question to ask. “Okay, converse amongst yourselves for a few minutes while I help my assistant set up the contest.”

Jack had managed to find a small table that we could pour the water from the bottles in the cups on. Miraculously, all forty-six cups fit on the table.

After all the cups were filled, I walked over to where Alex was sitting.


“Why do you look like you’re nervous about something?”

“Because you’re probably not going to like what I’m going to say, so I don’t want to tell you.”

“Does it have something to do with the prize of this contest of yours?”


“The prize is a night with you, isn’t it?”

“I was thinking something like a date, so I wouldn’t have to have sex with the person that won, unless it’s you.”

“Why would you hold a contest where you are the prize?”

“I wasn’t planning on that at first. I was originally going to adjust the prize to whomever won, but everyone seems to like me, so I wouldn’t have to try and figure out what every single individual on the plane would like.”

“Okay, well, I guess I can deal with you being a prize as long as there is no sex involved. I want to be the only one having sex with my fiancé.”

I sat down on Alex’s lap and kissed him. “I love you and I promise I won’t have sex with any of the contestants, but you. Just a fair warning though, if Jack wins we might make us have a threesome, though. You know how he is. I’m stealing him from you.”

Alex actually smirked at that. “I’ll share you with Jack just this once, but only if he’s the winner. He’s not going to win though.”

“Okay, well, I have to go tell everyone that the contest is starting.”


I stood up and walked back to the front of the plane.

“Okay, everyone listen up. I’m going to explain the rules. Everyone will be getting a cup filled with water. Once all the cups are handed out, everyone will stand up. When I start counting down from three, you’ll know to get ready. After I say one I’ll say go and that’s your cue to start drinking. Once you finish your cup you are to immediately sit down and raise your hand. The first person we see to have sat down and raised their hand will be declared the winner. After we have determined the winner, you’ll be informed of your prize. Any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

I walked back to where Jack was and helped him pass out the cups. Once everyone had received a cup, I walked back to the front of the plane.

“Everyone has received a cup, you may stand. And yes, that includes you old farts in the business suits as well. You’ll like this prize just as much as the rest of them.”

After we noticed everyone standing, I started counting.

“Three.” I raised my hand and held up three fingers to make it easier to see.

“Two.” I put one of my fingers down so I was only holding up two.

“One.” I put another finger down.


I noticed everyone chugging the cup of water, including the band’s managers.

After about twenty seconds we saw someone sitting down with his hand in the air. I smirked, knowing who it was already.

“Okay, everyone, we have ourselves a winner. You can stop chugging your water if you would like, but the rest of it is yours to do with as you please. Thank you for bearing with me through this. You may go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted you.”

I walked down the aisle to where Alex was sitting.

“I knew once I told you what the prize was, you would win. Although, I may have said part of it just to make sure you would win.”

“Liar. You wouldn’t have told me if you weren’t serious.”

I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “You don’t know that.”

He stood up and grabbed my wrist. “Oh, shut up. I want my prize.”

He pulled me to the back of the plane where the bathroom was. He must have come back here at least once already because it was bigger than most airplane bathrooms. If it hadn’t been, there wouldn’t have been enough room for both of us inside.

I could vaguely hear the cat calls coming from outside the door.

After Alex had latched the door, he immediately started kissing me and undoing the button of my jeans.

I wasn’t sure how long we had been in the bathroom for, but it must have been close to an hour. I unlatched the door and stepped out, almost expecting to hear more cat calls, but no one was paying attention to us or were already asleep.

A few minutes after we were back in our seats, Alex started yawning. Soon after, he was asleep. I made a quick trip up the aisle and motioned to Jack when I was at the front.

“Everyone’s asleep,” I whispered. “Time to have a little fun.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Okay, I'm going to ask you guys something. If you get impatient with me waiting for an update after a couple days, or like ten, you can leave me a comment on my profile telling me to stop playing that game on facebook [since more than likely I've already been playing it for a couple hours] and to update for you. It should give me more motivation to update.

Oh, and one more thing. You guys should read my story Silent Voices Kill and tell me what you think. I'm not sure how realistic parts of it are. I'd like your opinion.