Status: New...tell me if I should continue this. :]

But I Never Promised You

Dancing With A Lion

I don’t know quite for sure when the boys decided they couldn’t let me out of their sight, but I was suddenly face-to-face with all four of them as soon as I stepped off the elevator in the lobby. Considering the fact that I was barely even showing yet, I could still run just fine. I was stempted to start running and see just how far I would get before I was caught or they gave up. I knew they wouldn’t give up, though. Alex, I’m sure, would beat them if they tried. So, I would eventually be caught. I gave up on that idea.

“Am I not allowed to go anywhere by myself anymore? You know guys, I’m pregnant not dying. There’s a bit of a difference.”

“We know, we just don’t want you to disappear on us. It would break Alex’s heart if you left. And that would break Jack’s heart and then it’s like the world just ended. We can’t handle that.”

“Zack, you are a selfish bastard. I was just going out for a donut. I was coming back.”

Maybe, I thought. I’m not sure if I really can handle this whole being preganant and engaged thing. It’s scary. I can barely take care of myself, let alone the boys as it is. Adding a child on top of that sounds like a disastrous idea.

I was second guessing myself and I knew it. I just needed to calm down. It was just anxiety talking.

“You know guys, on second thought, I’m really not that hungry.”

“Oh, no you don’t. You are going to eat. You have a baby to think of now. There’s no way I’m going to let you skip meals and your staying up late thing, yeah, well, that’s done, too. Midnight is the latest you’re keeping the little one up.”

“Alex, just because you’re my fiance and the father of this baby, doesn’t mean you get to control my life. I may agree to not skp meals anymore, but I’m not going to bed until I’m tired, no matter what you say.”

As much fun as I was having with the guys on tour, I was ready for a break. I needed girl time, not that I had any girl friends, but oh well. Details. Actually, what I really wanted was Tanner, Mika time.

“I’m sorry guys, I’m just frustrated right now. I don’t mean to be a bitch. I’m just going to go back up to the room and call Tanner. He’ll know how to calm me down and I do believe I have some pretty big news to break to him. Damn, I bet he won’t let me board with him when he comes to Italy for the show. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him yet.”

“Mika, under no circumstances are you going to be skateboarding while you are pregnant. I’m not going to be responsible for the miscarriage of my best friend’s unborn child. No thank you.”

“Jack, you are no fun. I’ll just have to go out without you guys.”

“Like you really think we’re going to let you sneak off on your own in a foreign country when you’re pregnant. Yeah right. You should know us better than that, Mika.”

“Come on guys. Exercise is good for pregnant women.”

“Exercise, yes. Skateboarding, no. If you really feel the need to burn off some energy, go for a run.”

“Yeah, and things turned out great the last time I did that, too. Broken hip. Remember?”

“I forgot about that. Sorry, Mika. Looks like you’re confined to the hotel swimming poo and fitness room for exercise.”

“Some days I really wish you guys would get hit by a bus.”

“Now, that Mika, was not a very nice thing to say, especially not to your best friend and fiance.”

“Jack, come here so I can hit you.”

“Why would I do that? That would just be silly. Just like I wouldn’t dance with a lion at the circus,” Jack said in such a way that it sounded like he had already done this silly thing. I wouldn’t put it past him.

“Oh Jack, you know you would.”

“Shh, Rian, you’re not supposed to tell her that.”

“No, I’m pretty sure wha tI’m not supposed to tell her is that you’ve already danced with a lion at the circus. Last summer. Or don’t you remember that?”

“No comment.”

The boys started laughing at Jack and I took this opportunity to sneak away from them. They had yet to find out just how sneaky I could be. Instead of going to wait for the elevator, which was in clear view of them from the hall, I took the stairs. I really did need to call Tanner. He would be so pissed if I didn’t tell him something this important as soon as I found out.

I took out my phone and dialed the familiar number. I wasn’t sure what time it was in America, but if Tanner was awake, he would answer.

I waited through four rings and was about to hang up, thinking he was asleep when he answered.

“Hello?” Tanner said, sounding groggy.

“Hey, what time is it over there?”

“Five thirty in the morning. This better be important Mika. I was just falling asleep.”

“It is. Would I have called you, otherwise?”


“Okay, you’re right, but this really is. I have huge news for you. Just promise you won’t freak out.”

“I can’t make promises like that. Jack didn’t cancel on me, did he? I’m not going to be flying over to Italy in three weeks, am I?”

“Oh, you’re still going to Italy. I would have waited until you were awake to tell you that piece of information if it were to ever come up. No, this technically, has nothing to do with you. And yet, everything to do with you at the same time. Does that make sense?”

“Not really, but I’ll just go with it.”

“Okay, good,” I said taking a deep breath, “Here goes. I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, that’s cool. Wait, rewind. Did you just say you were pregnant?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Is this a joke? Because if it is, it’s not very funny.”

“No, Tanner, it’s not a joke.”

“So, you’re really pregnant.”


“And what does this have to do with me? We haven’t had sex recently enough for you to be pregnant from me. I can’t be the father.”

“No, Tanner, you’re not the father.”

“Then, what does this have to do with me?”

“I wanted to ask you something.”

“Why do I feel like I should be scared of what you’re going to ask?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think you should be. You know you’re my best friend in the entire world, right? And how we’ve always done everything we could for each other?”

“Yes, I know these things.”

“Okay, I want you to be the godfather of my baby.”

“That’s a lot of responsibility. Are you sure you want me to do it?”

“Yes, Tanner, I’m sure. And technically, you don’t have to do anything unless both Alex and I die.”

“Which, knowing what you both do for a living, is reasonably possible.”

“Stop being pessimistic. Please? Will you do it?”

“Fine, I’ll do it. Just don’t expect me to babysit. I’m not down for that.”

“Oh, Tanner, you know once the baby gets here, you’re going to change your mind on that. It’s my baby we’re talking about. He or she is going to be adorable.”

“That’s true. But hey, I need to sleep, I have a competition in a week that I need to get up and practice for.”

“Okay. You better win.”

“Oh, you know it. I’ll call you later.”

“Bye, Tanner.”

I now had two of the three hardest phone calls of my life done and over with. The only person left to call was Conner.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Sorry, this took so long guys. Work and no internet have been kicking my butt.