Status: Not quite done...not even close

The Saphire

Chapter 4

I must've been wandering for forever until i found faint scent of blood. I followed it and it lead to a covered up door in the ground. I was in part of town that nobody used and it was worn down. I quietly kicked the cover off and carefully opened the door. It was tunnels. I followed the trace. I could see in the dark easily, humans couldn't and these tunnels were completely black, for humans.
I followed the trace and it grew stronger and stronger. I could practically taste it now. i walked to a lit part of the tunnels. There was five humans there. Three small ones and two teenagers.
"Hello." One of the younger ones said.
"Hello." I said simply. The elder ones were stiff.
"Get over here." The oldest one said to the younger ones. All females. Rare.
"I am only here for one of you. I don't know which one. I am thirsty and need blood but i have no goal to kill or turn you in...anytime soon."
"Who are you?" They asked.
"Bliss."I said taking another step towards them. I sniffed the air. The older one was the one i wanted. I was fast and separated the older one from the others. "Don't scream or i will kill every single one of you." I stated simply. I was careful not to let my fangs grow real long. I slid them into her neck and drank. Her blood was pure and i have never tasted blood like it since i started tasting blood.
i drank my share and put her down. She was still conscious. But i wasn't full. I moved to the second oldest and drank from her. I didn't drink much cause i filled quickly.
"If you want to stay alive i would change hiding places." I said backing out. But i had taken to long. I could hear humans coming. I jumped up to the roof of the place and began to climb it. It actually wasn't that hard.
I listened to the girls cry as they told the rest of the humans of what happened. They all agreed that it was time to leave. I had left as they were forming their plans. I stretched all though i didn't need to. I made my way back to the White House. I was tired again.
I made my way to my room and unzipped my boots and took them off. I took a shower and threw on some pajamas. I threw myself against my bed.
"Ugh. I am so tired of...of...of everything. I just want to sleep." I shut the lights off and drifted off.


"But i didn't do it!" I cried. I sat in the front office of my school. When we were younger we went to a school with grades pre-k to eighth grade.
"Listen somebody did it. We have students that said you did it." I was in second grade. Somebody had gone through the teacher's desk and stole some candy. Everyone had blamed it on me though i had done nothing.
"But i didn't. I wasn't anywhere near her desk. I don't even like candy that much." It was hard candy that they had stolen and i didn't like hard candy because my teeth went straight through the candy.
"Every kid likes candy."
"Well i don't Ask my brother."
"Your brother is Jason Lonkin right?"
I had gotten in trouble at school a lot although i did nothing. I was no where near a bad student. Perfect grades, perfect attendance but somehow everything that happened that was and was blamed on me.
Jason bailed me out a lot. I still got in trouble though.


I was craving sweets. Something i rarely wanted. I never wanted them because i knew i couldn't get them but my body yearned for them now. I was twelve. I snuck past Denny to the food supplies. I looked through them.
I knew i would be in great trouble if they found out that i went through the food supplies. It was all we would have left. I found what i was looking for though. It was chewy candy too. I licked the wrapper clean.


How many times have i gotten out of trouble? I asked myself as i stand here. I am the age of fifteen. I have been hiding for five years and i have gotten away so many times. But Karma will get me i know. I was never one to believe in Karma before the vampires attacked. But we humans got this treatment because vampires grew angry with us because of all the stories and lies we told about them.
But now most of them aren't lies. We tell the truth now. Vampires are evil monsters. They will try to kill every single human then they will turn on their own seeking blood. Oh how selfish they are.
But Karma will turn for me one day too. I know then that i will not turn into one of those creatures. I refuse to. If Jason is indeed one of them i will hate him for forever. I will leave a mark on him with my very own teeth. He will not be able to get a bite out of me.
But i love Jason.
I shook my head.
"It doesn't matter he is a monster." I said quietly to myself.


Today i awake to quiet. Emily, Garette and Nick are all asleep but i should hear noise. There should be other humans here. I search every where. Our tunnels are deep in the earth away from vampires.
They should have been homes by now. They said if they didn't come home after five hours we were to leave. But i couldn't. What if they came back? What then?
I look at my sleeping children. I can't risk anything. We have to leave. I shake them awake.
"What is it mommy Keke?" They ask.
"We have to leave. Now. Get your shoes and lets go."
They dress and we leave. I carry Nick. He is weaker than the others. I look around. The sun was about to set. They should have come home this morning. They were extremely late. There was no way.
I slipped out first and Emily and Garette followed.
But the moment we came out into the open i had that feeling.
"We found you." A voice said.
They jumped around us.

I awake. More dreams that seem so real but they can't be. It is impossible. I stood up and dressed. I pulled on a pair of denim shorts, a long sleeved dark blue shirt that shows off a lot of my stomach.
I pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I stretched my arms and legs and walked out of the room.
"And now I've got to find Jason." I said to myself. I really didn't feel like getting in more trouble. Though i did feel like taking a bite out of somebody.
I walked around for hours and no sight of Jason. Though i did see some weird vampires. Some of these vampires took Gothic to the next level. But i did know something about myself.
I had a memory that was locked away and even i couldn't tell where it came from or what it is. But i knew it was important, though for now i was just going to ignore it.
"Ugh! He is nowhere to be found." Then i remembered something. "Oh, he's probably in the hidden room."
"You know if you start talking to yourself people are going to think you are insane." Paul said walking up to me.
"Oh, hey. Have you seen Jason?"
"Nope. But i did hear about your fun with Adam." He seemed jealous.
I shrugged.
"Sitting around this house gets boring. I figured Adam would have something fun to do. I was right."
"Adam isn't safe. He can cause some danger."
"Since when does a vampire need to be safe? There isn't anything that could beat us."
"It doesn't matter. You can't trust him."
I went to turn away. Paul grabbed my arm.
"What happened to you?" He asked me.
"Nothing happened to me."
"Yes something did. Before you turned into one of us you cared about humans and hated vampires deeply but you cared about other people other than yourself and now the only two people you are about are Jason and yourself."
I slapped him across the face.
"Just because you are a older than me it gives you no right to talk to me like that!" This time i pulled myself away and walked down the halls.
Ugh! What right did he have to say that about me? I didn't do anything to him at all! I was extremely pissed now. I couldn't find Jason, Paul had said that crap about me and i wanted some blood.
"Now what?" I asked myself. I shook my head. I just don't know. I was going to ask the next vampire i saw where Jason was. But the sucky part was the next vampire was Vicki.
"Vicki?" I said trying to be nice.
"What?!" She snapped.
"Have you seen Jason?"
"Now why would i tell you? I still have a hole in my chest you bitch."
"Listen, i am trying to be nice. I had a bad day and unless you want a bigger hole in your chest just tell me where Jason is." I snarled.
She laughed.
"You got me once in surprise. You won't get me again."
"Yes." She stated simply.
I was fast, i brought my leg up and kicked her right in the head, almost knocked it off.
"Surprise." I said laughing.
"You bitch." She coughed.
"Now tell me where Jason is, if you want to keep your head on your shoulders."
"He's in a committee meeting. You're not allowed there."
"Thank you." I said smiling. I turned swiftly and walked away. But she didn't want me to leave. She jumped on my back and tackled me down. I rolled over and kicked her off me.
"Do you never give up?" I asked.
"Nope." She said smiling.
She went in for another attack but i dodged. I threw one more kick at her and took off running. I was growing tired of her games. I looked over my shoulder and she of course was running after me.
I took a sharp turn. I knew that wasn't going to throw her off but i wasn't trying to, I was trying to trap her.
I hope she wouldn't notice. I began to make these simple hallways into a maze. I took random turns but they ended up working in my favor. I Then stopped and waited.
She came just as i thought.
"Did you really think you could run from me?"
"Nope." I pushed myself off the wall and i went over her. She was cornered now.
"Leave me be or else i will kill you." I said simply.
She scoffed.
I did a sort of low, rotating kick and made her fall. I then pinned her down and bit down on her neck.
"Let me go!!!!!!!!!"
"What did i tell you. If you want to live, leave now. I don't want to see you ever again." I said moving my fangs from her neck.
The taste of vampire blood was like nothing i had ever tasted. It put all blood to shame.
I stood up and pressed my heels onto her chest again directly where the older hole was.
"Listen, if you ever try to attack me again. I won't let you get off any where this easy."
I turned my back to her and walked away. I just didn't feel like killing at the moment. All i wanted to do was find Jason. I just wanted Jason. I wonder if it would always be like this. Always wanting my Jason, would there be anyone else i wanted to be around this much?
I shook my head. No need to worry about this at the moment. I searched around but still couldn't find Jason. So instead i went looking for Mike. I found him at his office.
"Mike. I wanna see the human children." I told him.
"Why would you wanna do that?"
"I don't know. Just feel as if i should."
"Well Paul or Adam has a connection with them. I don't really."
"Oh. Who has the better connection?"
"Great." I said sarcastically.
"Why the sarcasm?"
"Cause i slapped him today, so we are fighting."
"You changed, a lot."
"Yeah, you're not the only one who thinks that." I said sitting on one of his counters. I sighed. "Do you mind if i hang with you for the day? I got nothing better to do and i cant find Jason."
"Sure, but be quiet, that new vampire is coming back in. He is a little calmer but i don't want to scare him."
Moments later the newbie walked in.
"Doctor Mike." He smiled. Then looked at me. "I've seen you before."
"Yep." I smiled. "I came here before when Mike was talking to you."
"Yes, i remember."
I shook his hand then sat down on one of the hospital beds.
"Are you going to sit through this meeting to?" He asked looking at me.
"Yep, sorry." I shrugged.
I heard a soft buzz noise. Mike looked down at his pager.
"Oh, crap. Bliss, do you mind watching him? I got to go check something out."
"Go right ahead."
Mike left after giving the newbie some order to listen to me.
"So, newbie, whats your name?" I asked looking at him.
"Eric." Eric had hair that covered his eyes, it was a soft blonde, like my hair. His eyes were deep red and he was handsome, he was about sixteen.
"So I've heard. You are a popular vampire. I have only been awake for about a day and i already know so much about you."
"Well you're the president's little sister, every male vampire wants you, every female vampire wants to be you, you came from a group of rogue humans and you are the last true vampire."
"Wait, what? I was a rogue human?"
"You didnt know that?"
"No, i dont remember anything from before i was a vampire. And what did you mean by i was the last true vampire?"
"Well, apparently you are the last vampire who was actually born with vampire in your DNA."
"Huh." I said to myself. "Jason never told me any of this. Do you know if i had a different name when i was human?"
"I'm not sure."
"Thanks anyways. Everyone around here is so bussiness like. Adam is like the only one who is laid back."
"That's the world of vampires." Eric sighed.
I did one short laugh.
"So what about you? Where'd you come from?"
"I was one of the first taken. But i was to young for their taste but they saw potential so they waited until i was old enough to change me."
"So what's it like being the president's little sister?"
"Sort of annoying. Jason dissapears from time to time and i have to deal with his little groupies. Not to mention the fact that he doesnt let me do anything. He says the vampire world isnt fun and games. But i want to enjoy living, since i dont remember what i was like when i was human."
"That has to suck." Eric had seemed nervous but he was calming down.
"Yeah, do you mind doing me a favor? I can't do it because even though Jason isn't with me, i swear he has people watching me."
"Sure, i dont mind. I dont have a job so anything to keep me busy."
"Well, i was wondering, if you could research a human for me. I know you guys keep data on the humans you catch. I need you to look for a human named KeKe." I had to find out who this human was.
"Thanks." I smiled.
Just then Mike came in and continued with Eric. I only stayed for a while after that, then i left to look for Jason again.
It didnt take to long to find him.
"Where have you been?!" I basically yelled.
"I had a long meeting." He said, guarded. He was lying. But i ignored it.
"I missed you." I said hugging him tightly.
"As i missed you. What did you do when i was gone?"
"Well, i had another run in with Vicki, and a fight with Paul. Then i hung out with Mike and his new vampire Eric."
"You ran into Vicki again?"
"Yeah, we fought, i won of course. But i teach her a lesson." I was about to tell him that i got to taste vampire blood, but something told me not to. I normally told Jason everything. "Listen, i got to do something. I will see you in a little bit."
"No. I want you by my side."
I touched his arm. I was going to work on my new gift.
"Please." I begged, the power surging through my and shifting into him. There was so much power!
"Bliss, please don't push me, i've had a bad enough day. What with more rogue humans being found and somehow more are running away, today was just a disaster."
"I'm sorry."
"It isn't your fault."
"But it feels like it is."