Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


“We love you Nashville, hope to see you again soon” I shouted down the microphone; some fans screamed back while others cried.

In a way I felt like crying as well, it was the end of tour and after my re-birth in San Diego I didn’t want to go back to my original ways. In the two months following San Diego I’d never stopped thinking about that girl, the more I thought about her the more I fell in love with her. I’ve not had a drink since the morning I woke up on the beach and I speak to every fan that comes up to me. I’ve even learned to appreciate them, they really don’t want to rape me or anything they only want a smile, a picture and my autograph; it really isn’t that much.

Rian came running of stage right behind me.

“You coming out the back?” he asked warily, I suppose him and the guys were still unsure about my sudden change of attitude.

“You really don’t need to ask me anymore I love going out the back, are Jack and Zack coming?” I laughed.

“WEEE ARREEEEEEEE!” Jack shouted jumping straight on my back his sweat making him almost stick to me.

I then ran forward with him still on my back, making it almost impossible for him to get off my back. I kicked open the back door to unveil the growing number of fans which all laughed like mental when they saw me carrying Jack on my back. I eventually let him down before I made my way into the sea of fans; I signed as fast as I could and smiled – genuinely – for every photo. Everyone around me screamed indicating that Zack and Rian had made their way out the door. I laughed before signing more autographs; in my heart I knew however much I enjoyed it I was still doing this for her, and deep down I knew that what I really wanted was to see her again. Even if it was just once, but what was the chance of that?
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is sort of a filler :/!
but please comment :D!?

had a good day tbh i got a lot of my third year exam results back; i got full marks in my r.e class, the best score in my drama, a 1 in german and a 2 in admin.(1 is the best btw) then i made up with my friends so i've had a pretty good day altogether :D!
- edited the spacing ;)