Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


I lay on my couch watching re-runs of family guy, the same thing I’ve been doing for the last two weeks. We have a month off before we go in the recording studio then back on tour to release the new album, I’d much rather be recording right now.

I reached up and flicked the TV off, I’m not sure if I can take anymore family guy, and I looked around for my guitar. It wasn’t in the living room so I climbed the stairs to get it out my room, on the way past I checked on Rian, he had just recently split with his girlfriend and was taking it pretty hard.

He was spread out on his bed staring at our graduation pictures, I was sure I could see tears in his eyes, but I wasn’t in the mood to dig him for that he really is going through a lot. I stood there for about a minute but he was too engrossed in the pictures to realise that I was there so I turned back out the door and continued on down to my room.

My guitar stood in its usual position – the corner of my room – so I grabbed it quickly along with my favourite plectrum and headed back downstairs. I began by just strumming my guitar, I tried to let my brain run away with its self and soon I’d have a song but as usual the moment I wasn’t distracted my thoughts went to her. For a minute I let her into my thoughts; her hair, that gorgeous smile, and how can I forget the letter.

I then found myself singing about her.

“Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street”

It then gave me an idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i haven't updated all weekend sorry i've just been so busy and this is sort of a filler again i but i promise things will be happening soon :D!
so thanks to everyone that commented you really are awesome
i love you's all
joanne :D xx
- edited the spacing ;)