Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


We soon caught up with The Summer Set, meaning we were one of the first into the party a lot more of their background staff and supporting groups came later.

I was still holding Callie’s hand and we headed over towards the black couch, there was so much I needed to find out about her but I knew I would defiantly not get much out of her tonight. It was only seconds before the bassist came and sat beside us, I had no clue what his name was so I hoped that Callie would know.

“Stephen!” she shouted almost automatically.

“Hey Stephen” I chimed in; I really was good at acting as if I was this bands number one fan.

“Hey Alex and…Alex’s girl friend?” he smiled laughing at the end.

Callie smiled and nodded before replying “Yeah I’m Alex’s girlfriend but my name’s Callie!”

She smiled broad at the fact of talking to yet another one of her heroes; at least I was the only one she had written a letter to. I was shocked that she had called me her boyfriend but I was more ecstatic.

Stephen stayed and spoke to us for a while, from a small conversation I managed to find out that he was actually the older brother of John – the one who played guitar – and also that they were from Scottsdale, Arizona.

Stephen got up to speak to his brother and I was ready to start my interrogation when someone started playing music, soon everyone was dancing and drinks we’re getting passed around. I let out a sigh but knew there was nothing I could say as I had agreed to go to this party; I should have expected music and drinks. The drinks eventually got round to us and Callie took a bottle of Bacardi Breezer, I stared at the drinks that we’re on the tray – every single one of them alcoholic. I was sitting next to the person who had changed my ways, but just because I had her it didn’t mean I was giving up now. I looked up at Brian who was taking the drinks round.

“Have you got any soft drinks?” I asked letting out a small laugh at how weird that sounded.

Brian’s eyes nearly popped out their sockets.

“I thought you were meant to be the big Alex Gaskarth that drank his own weight in alcohol and had a different girl every night. What’s happened to you man?” He asked a hint of laughter in his voice but there was still a shrill of disbelieve.

“Callie here helped me realise my ways, until I can stop myself from drinking all the alcohol supplies in one night I am not going to drink at all” I replied looking up at Brian, I could see Callie smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

“Okay, I’ll go and get you a cola” he laughed as he walked back the way he had come.

“So you really meant that earlier, that really wasn’t your Jack Daniel at coke?” Callie turned around and asked me her voice full of seriousness.

“Course it wasn’t, the day I read your letter I got myself all confused and mixed up so that night I went out on the lash” my eyes looked down at my feet as I remembered that night.

“But I woke up on the beach and realised what you had written meant something and that I really should change, so from that moment I’ve never had a drink, turned down a fan or stopped trying to find you” I rushed out the end and turned to look at her.

Her mouth fell into a shocked face.
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Wow I didn't even realise how long this was hehe!
so again thankyou for the comments you all mean so much to me :D!
- edited the spacing ;)