Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


“So can I have your number babe?” I asked smiling at the blonde girl in front of me, I didn’t even know her name but I knew by the look of her she was my type.

Before she could reply Matt flew round the corner
“Alex move your ass now, you’re on stage in three minutes, THREE MINUTES” he shouted as he repeated the fact that I was due on stage soon.

“Ok, chill Matt!” I replied following behind him as he began chasing after Zack, Jack and Rian as well.

I turned to the blonde girl and winked at her before saying,
“I’ll get your number when I come off sexy.” She smiled in response as I continued walking towards the stage.

Jack was already at the side of the stage when I got there,
“Alex sexy are you ready to rape, the crowd are really hyped up.” He asked as one of the stage staff handed us our favourite guitars.

“Yeah man!” I replied with some fake enthusiasm, yeah I wanted to go on stage it was the only thing that got me away from the life I led, when I was on that stage it was just me and my three best friends making music.
I just can’t take the screaming band of thirteen year olds constantly screaming my name and wanting to have sex with me. I’m not saying the fans aren’t great; they buy our cds and so much other merch which enables us to be here but they’re just too full on. I’d rather Maria and her friends formed the audience at times rather than these girls some nights, but I’ll make do with this the now. Zack and Rian then came bounding round the corner, Rian clutching his favourite drum sticks and Zack with his neon pink bass. The stage went black and the crowd started screaming. We all ran quickly to our starting places and soon the strobe lights started flashing before we launched into lost in stereo.
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so i got one comment on my last one :) im actually happy about that didn't really expect any haha but a big thankyou to Gamble With Desire for being the one who commented :D!
well for this one can i get 2 comments :)!
also i changed the layout well a tiny bit ahha do you think it looks better white with the black writing :)?
-fixed the layout ;)