Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


I woke with a jolt and quickly looked around me, posters of my band and many others – this defiantly wasn’t my hotel room. I then looked around to see Callie sleeping peaceful beside me and yesterday’s occurrences came flashing back to me. I slowly slid my way out of the bed and quietly crept out the door, I then walked into the bathroom.

When I opened the door to come out the bedroom, there was a girl about twelve staring up at me, her eyes wide in shock; it was obvious that she was Callie’s little sister she looked so much like her. She tried to speak but it instead came out as more of a stutter.

“Hello” I said to break the weird and uncomfortable silence.

I was standing in front of a twelve year old in by boxers and by the looks of her reaction she was probably a fan too. Again she tried to respond but no words came out. I turned to walk away when she let out a big scream, at that moment her mum walked up the stairs.

“Alex, do you have to scare Claire!” she laughed looking down at her other daughter.

“Sorry, I was just going to the toilet” I laughed.

“It’s okay; just go get that lazy girlfriend of yours up.” She replied ushering me back into Callie’s room.

As I turned to walk back to Callie’s room I heard Claire say to her mum “Callie is dating Alex Gaskarth, seriously! I hate her forever now she knows I’m going to marry him and live in a castle!”

With that I’m guessing she stormed off as I heard her door slam shut. I could then hear her mum laughing.

Callie was still sleeping when I closed the door of her room; I crept over towards her and quickly pecked her cheek. Her eyes then fluttered open.

Callie’s POV

I opened my eyes to see Alex smiling down at me about a metre from my face; I leaned forward and kissed him, remembering the taste of his lips.

“Well lazy bum your mum said your to move its time for breakfast” he laughed pulling the covers off me.

“Ughhh” I groaned but I got up anyway.

I made my way over to my mirror and quickly brushed my hair, I wasn’t going to get changed the now but I was defiantly brushing my hair.

I then stood up and walked towards Alex, he grabbed my hand and we headed for the door, he then turned to me and said “I just had the weirdest first meeting with your sister, and just a pre-warning she wants to kill you!”
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Sorry i didn't update all weekend i was at my friends house :) but i hope you like this hehe.
Please comment :D
- edited the spacing ;)