Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


After we finished our meal we headed to my hotel, so that I could grab my stuff and check out. The man, who had showed me to the laundry room, was at the desk again. This time I was really nice to him as he was a key factor in me finding Callie; I even signed an autograph for him.

I held Callie’s hand as we walked slowly back to her house – I’ll have burned off all my pre-tour fat with all this walking. As we passed into her street she stopped dead, I then realised the posh looking silver car in her driveway that hadn’t been there when we left.

“My dad’s back.” She spoke softly looking down at her feet.

“Is there something wrong? Do you not like him?” I asked a wave of terror rushing over me; what if he abused her?

“No, I love my dad he’s awesome but when it comes to boyfriends he’s not so awesome, he’s really quite strict and I really want him to like you!” she said looking up.

I gasped a sign of relief before replying “Well if he doesn’t its’ my problem not yours and now all we can do is try”

My reassuring tone seemed to work as Callie clutched my hand a little tighter and we walked the remaining steps to her house. She let out one last deep breathe as she stepped through the door.

“Mum, we’re home!” she shouted.

“Honey, I’m in the living room with your dad!” her mum replied almost seconds later.

We began walking towards the living room, now I was getting nervous, would he try and break us up if he didn’t like me? What if he knows what I used to be like?, he defiantly wouldn’t want his daughter going out with me then.

Callie’s mum and dad were sitting on the sofa when we walked in, her dad had his back to us; he was wearing a strange green suite.

“Dad!” Callie shouted and walked towards him.

He turned around in seconds stood up and gave him daughter a big bear hug. Once he let go Callie stepped to the side and I saw clearly what he was wearing – an army uniform. I really should feel scared now. He scrutinized every part of me while I stared back at him uncomfortably.

Eventually Callie broke the silence by saying “Dad I’d like you to meet my boyfriend Alex.”

“Hello Mr Sommerhaus” I said, much stronger than I thought i’d be able to.

I then held out my hand which he grasped and shook firmly.
As he stepped backwards he asked “How old are you chap?”

“Twenty-two sir” I replied, trying to hide the curiosity in my voice.

“Oh” was all he replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
We have now met John, Callie's dad hehe :)
I have the next few chapters pre written from here and its coming to an end soon about 4-5 chapters so i have a question :)
Should I do a sequel ?
and if yes should it be from Alex's pov with small bits from Callie or the other way around Callie's pov and small bits from Alex ?
thankyou for reading and please comment as usual xD!