Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


Callie’s POV

I woke suddenly and turned to look at the clock; six o’clock in the morning, it was far to early to be awake. I turned my head to see Alex who was fast asleep his arm still wrapped around my waist.

Last night had went alright, dad had made small talk with Alex, he was obviously trying to figure him out, I hoped that he liked him.

I slowly pulled Alex’s arm of me without him waking up – which was a miracle – and crept towards the door. Once out of the door I decided to go downstairs to get a drink. I stopped at the door of the kitchen when I heard voices inside. I decided to stand and listen.

“Twenty-two, that means he’s four years older than Callie FOUR YEARS!” My dad shouted.

“You are four years older than me John!” Mum growled in response.

Dad paused for a moment before replying “That’s different, we’re talking about Callie here, I can’t do my job and protect her while I’m on duty but your letting her date people 4 years older than her and he’s in a band.”

I could tell it was getting heated inside but I didn’t want to leave now I wanted to hear what they had to say.

“As I said John you are four years older than me and I met you when I was just a year older than Callie, and you were in the army. The army is much worse than a band, the worst worry for Callie is that some fan might try and hit on Alex or he might get a small injury on stage but I have to worry if your safe or not…” mum paused for a second, I could tell she was starting to cry.

“Do you know how much that hurts, to keep a brave face on for the kids when I don’t know whether your alive or not.” She eventually managed to say between her tears that were turning to sobs.

“Ssssshhhh Jane, I’m sorry I just get overprotective, and I know how much you worry. Just remember that I love you and that your love will keep me alive no matter what.”

I then began to walk away from the door; I had heard all I wanted to hear. It was good to know that my mum was managing to change my dad’s mind on Alex, I just hope it works. Also to hear that between my mum and dad; I’d never realised how much pain my mum had to go through, and how much she kept it together for me and Claire. I know now to appreciate my parents a lot more and I could also learn a lot from them as their love is so strong that not even thousands of miles can break it. I just hope me and Alex can have a love like that.
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from Callies pov as it says hehe xD!
well i just updated every chapter so if you want to report me now i believe your a picky arsehole because the only thing that can be wrong is maybe the odd spelling mistake or typeo and that really can't be helped :|!
everyone else please comment hehe and um only 3 more chapters left </3!
this really is like the end of an era as this is my first proper story on here o: