Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


“Dad please, I’ve finished school now and I’m only still looking for a job and I’ll come straight back after the tour!” Callie pleaded with her dad.

He looked kind and caring in his regular day clothing and I know he really was, he cared so much for his daughter he just didn’t want to see her get hurt. After the interrogation he gave me on his first night, he began to warm to me; he told me of how he and Jane met and he really began to trust me. I just don’t know if that trust is strong enough for him to let Callie come with me.

“Callie, I know you love Alex and he loves you but look and me and your mothers relationship, we’ve lasted through separation and I believe you and Alex can!” he replied remaining dominant and strong.

“But dad you had no option, you couldn’t take mum with you out on a battlefield but if you could I bet you would have. Wouldn’t you?” she asked her dad.

He was lost for words and Jane couldn’t speak either, she wanted her daughter to stay but she knew how much it hurt to be away from the one you love.

Eventually John said “Yeah I would have.”

He let his guard down and soon tears began to roll down his eyes.

“Callie I just want the best for you, I want to be able to protect you, and over the last week I have realised that being in the army is not protecting anyone even if I know where you are.” He spoke through his tears.

Jane hugged him tightly as tears began to roll down her eyes as well.

“Dad I know you want to protect me and you are doing an amazing job just please let me go with Alex?” she whispered also fighting tears.

The room was silent for a good few minutes.

“You can go with Alex” John eventually breathed out and tears began rolling down Callie’s eyes.

“Thankyou dad I love you so much” she almost shouted as she ran over to her dad and hugged him tightly.

They enjoyed a father and daughter hug for a good minute or two before he let go and Callie came towards me. I wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled down at her, as she smiled up at me.

“You’re coming with me baby, nothing’s going to split us now!” I almost shouted jubilant.

She didn’t even reply she just crushed her lips up against mine. It was obviously at this time that John and Jane left the room; so I made a mental note in my head to thank them tomorrow before we left.
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second last chapter :')

i want 10 comments before i post the last one xD!