Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


Jane had washed and ironed my clothes for me so I folded them back up and put them in my suitcase while Callie rushed round the room grabbing all her clothes, make-up and accessories to put in her own suitcase.

“I don’t know how much to pack” she complained pulling a face that made me laugh.

“don’t laugh” she shouted throwing a pillow at me.

I laughed a bit more before replying “Take as much as you like and if you don’t have enough room in there you can put some in my case, I have room. Also I’ll be buying things for you when we’re on tour” I replied winking at her.

“Okay” she replied smiling at me.

She then began walking in and out her room grabbing things that were in different rooms like her tooth brush that in the toilet. She was out the room when Jane and John came into the room; they smiled at stood beside the door.

“We have something to tell you both but we’ll wait till Callie comes back in.” John spoke firmly but friendly.

“Okay, she shouldn’t be a minute she’s just finding things to put in her suitcase” I replied smiling.

Seconds later Callie came through the door caring all her toiletries.

“Hey mum, dad” she smiled at them as they looked on at her.

“We would like to tell you something if you want to sit down on the bed with Alex, it won’t take a minute” Jane said softly to Callie.

She tipped all her toiletries into her bag before she sat down next to me.

“Okay, we’re ready” she replied as she took hold of my hand and smiled up at her parents who were also holding hands.

“We’d just like to tell you that both of you have taught us something this last week about life about love about everything.” Jane spoke proudly.

“You really have, and that has made me come to a decision about my future.” John continued before he paused for a second.

“I’m leaving the army, that means I can be here for your mum and sister all the time and your mum won’t have to worry it also means I’ll be in the same country as you so I can keep in contact with you. So even when you’re traveling through America I can still keep you much safer than I ever did when I was in the army. Alex you better look after her though! I have spent twenty years in the army you really don’t want to know what I’ll do to you if you break my baby’s heart.” He finished loud and proud, hugging Jane tightly.

“Wow dad seriously!” Callie beamed up at her dad.

“Yup, I’m going to be here for my three girls!” he said smiling.

Even I couldn’t stop smiling, it’s weird to think that Callie gave me a sudden realization which made me change my way and now myself and Callie gave her dad a sudden realization which made him change his ways. Love is so powerful.
♠ ♠ ♠
and its the end </3!
now i'd like to say happy birthday to julie hehe and i think everyone should get her jack for her birthday ;)
the sequal link thingyy is up so subscribe now hehe and i shall start it soon xD
thank you for being such amazing readerss :)
i love you all xD