Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


I opened my eyes to see Jack walking about in just his white boxers, oh how many times have I seen that. I unravelled myself out of the covers and stood up. Almost falling at first as my head began to pound, how I hate hangovers. I should be used to them by now, I made my usual trip to the bathroom; brushed my teeth, washed my face and took two tablets too get rid of my headache. I then walked back out towards my bed, I was just going to put my jeans on from yesterday to go down to breakfast and have a shower when I came back up. I reached down into my laundry basket, making my head swim more, to grab my jeans when I realised it was empty.

“Jack where’s my clothes?” I asked looking over at him as he was now sitting on his bed resting his head - no doubt also suffering from a hangover - against the wall.

“Um the maid came and collected it about five minutes before you woke up.” He replied looking up at me.

“Oh, okay.” I replied smiling at him, I’ll just have to wear another pair.

I went towards the wardrobe to get another pair of jeans when it hit me.

“Shit, the letter!” I shouted.

Jack cocked an eyebrow at me as he looked over.

“What letter?” he laughed.

I began pulling on my jeans fast I was going to have to beat the maids down to the laundry room if I ever wanted to see this letter again.

“It was a letter a fan gave me yesterday, I was going to read it last night but I was obviously too drunk.” I replied laughing at the memory of me and Jack last night.

Jack also laughed then replied “Alex Gaskarth since when have you cared about something from one of our fans!” he pulled a shocked face.

I quickly pulled my t-shirt over my head.

“This one was cute and only just younger than me.” I replied winking at him.

I then ran out the room grabbing my set of the keys and headed on my way to the laundry room. I didn’t even have a clue where it was.
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so the last one was crap and i got three comments WOOO :D so i decided to update again tonight :) Thankyou to Gamble With Desire, Toxic_Valentine and WhoStoleMyCookies.
I love comments hehe xD!
so yeah tell me what ya think? and also the letter should be in either the next update or the one after that and thats where it should all really start hehe.
- edited the spacing ;)