Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


Once I got down the elevator I was stuck, I didn’t know where to go but I had to get there fast. I decided to walk towards the reception to see if there was anyone there that would be able to help me. At the reception sat a guy, as I walked closer it was obvious that he was gay, just what I needed some gay guy lusting over me at a time I needed to hurry.

“Do you know where the laundry room is?” I asked as I reached the desk.

The man looked up from his desk to look at me, and his eyes nearly flew out of their sockets.

“Yourr Alex Gaskarth!” he stuttered out.

“I heard you were staying but I thought it was a rumour.” He continued.

God I couldn’t take thirteen year old fan girls but there is nothing worse than gay fan girls, they don’t have do your head in.

“Can you please just take me to the laundry room there is something that shouldn’t have gone down there and I need it now!” I replied emphasising maybe a little bit much on the now.

I think this made him get the hint as he stood up straight away.

“This way Mr Gaskarth” he replied.

We zig zaged around the hotel going places I’d never seen before, eventually we came to a door which opened up to be a huge door. We were then hit by a big gust of steam.

“I’m not going in there, so I hope you find what you want Mr. Gaskarth.” The man said before turning around and going back to the reception.

The steam was not a welcoming sign but I had to get the letter. I stepped inside to be greeted by a young made.

“Um excuse me I’m looking for my laundry there is something that shouldn’t have come down here.” I spoke quickly even remembering to flash my trade mark grin that made all girls swoon at the end.

“What room are you staying in?” she asked in a dull tone.

“Room… 4…83” I stuttered out as I tried to remember what number I was.

“Come this way then!” she barked at me as loud noise echoed around the room.

I followed behind her desperate to hold the letter in my hand again. She led me to an area that had about one hundred laundry bags matching the one I had in my room, each had the room number on it. I looked about quickly before my eyes met the number 483. I ignored the woman and jumped straight towards the bag, I wasn’t that far away from it. Once I reached it I pulled my jeans, out made sure the letter was still in my back pocket, thanked the woman and made my way back out the room. On my way back up to my room I read the letter;

Dear Alex,
I would never be able to say any of this to your face so I decided to write this for you. You mean the world to me and right now, the world is yours, so don’t let this slip away. Appreciate the girls who chase the car, the girls who camp out, the girls that give you gifts. At the meet and greets, don’t forgot to smile, what’s just another picture to you means the world to the girl next to you. Take a second out of your day to give them a wink, or a smile, or touch their hands as you walk by. That second means more to them that you’ll ever understand. Don’t let anybody tell you that you don’t deserve your fame because you worked just as hard for this as any other band out there, and you deserve every second. So throw your arms in the air during your favourite song and soak it all up, because before you know it, it could all be gone. Life is too short, so take your time and appreciate it.
Much Love
A dear fan CS xx
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okay so i was out all yesterday and when i got in i got dragged into watching 2012 with my family so i couldn't get on this. Its a good movie though lol.
Anyway to say sorry this is longer and it has the letter in it :D!
um i have to give credit to Mariana&Tom on the Tokio Hotel international forum as this letter was actually on a picture she had created. The words were just too great they gave me insperation so if she is actually on this aswell i hope you don't mind me using it hehe.
Um also if you like Tokio Hotel you may have realised the room number hehe.
Lastly thankyou to
Gamble With Desire
oh and read Gamble With Desire's story,The Words You Never Said, its pretty awesome it has John Ohhh and Nick Santino in it i mean could you want anymore.
Anyway comment please :)
i love yous xx
- edited the spacing