Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


I sat on my bed reading it over and over again; how could one fan, who didn’t even know me as a person, get everything so right? Jack came bounding out of the bathroom and bombed down on the bed almost breaking it in half.

“So you found it then.” He said looking down at the note.

“Yeah!” was all I managed to choke out.

I’d never thought a note from a fan could give me such grief; half the ones I got were just fan girls telling me how much they wanted me in their bed. This one was different; she must have put so much pain and effort in this.

“Wow she has nice writing!” Jack exclaimed after he finally finished reading it.

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Um Jack in a letter it’s usually about what they are saying not how nice their writing is.” I replied laughing.

“Well I can’t help it I don’t get many long letters I just get girls phone numbers or a time and date yano as I am the babe magnet of the band” he winked at me.

I really knew it was because most people thought Jack couldn’t read so they put it in the simplest form for his small brain. I just nodded agreeing with him.

“Well man I’m going down to the pool to chase some girls in very short bikinis; are you coming?” Jack asked as he stood up and grabbed his towel, it was then I realised that he was sitting in his swimming shorts.

I looked up at him for a minute before replying “Nah, I’ll just stay here I need to do something.”

Jack stared at me like I had three heads before he nodded.

“More for Jackkyy then” he shouted as he headed out the door.

The room was silent, for a change, I read the note over again before I decided to write a reply to her.
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so i've had a pretty shit day tbh :/ fell out with my two of my bestmates but this sorta helped me take my mind off it.
So thankyou to GoopyPie223 and Gamble With Desire for commenting :D!
so to make me extra happy can i have comments xD
- edited the spacing ;)