Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


I crumpled up the piece of paper and aimed it towards the overflowing bin; I had used up all of the paper they gave you at this stupid hotel. I just couldn’t find the words to write back to this girl, I didn’t even know her name or how I’d give it to her.

Jack was making out with some blonde girl on his bed, I stood up grabbed my keys and walked out the hotel room. I wasn’t sure where I was going but I had to get out that room, my thoughts were swimming around my head.

I walked through the bar, there was some woman in her mid-30s trying to sing, while some older men perved over her. I passed through reception while the receptionist from earlier starred at me with admiration and love in his eyes, I finally got outside; I closed my eyes and breathed in the night air. It was about seven o’clock and the darkness was beginning to creep in. We’re still in San Diego as it was our night off but we’re leaving tomorrow morning to go on the road again, I don’t even know where the next show is.

I opened my eyes to see a young girl starring up at me, as I looked at her she screamed; I then saw that she was wearing an All Time Low t-shirt. Oh God!

I was ready to turn and run and never stop running then a small voice in my head spoke to me it said “Appreciate the girls who chase the car, the girls who camp out, the girls that give you gifts.”

It was her voice I just knew it; she had only said a few words to me but yet I could hear her saying this, am I going crazy? My feet stayed rooted to the ground and I pulled a large smile on my face.

The girl, who was about twelve smiled up to me she asked politely “Can you sign my top for me?”

My throat went dry, but I nodded knowing that I would hate myself if I turned away now. She handed me a black marker and I bent down and found a section near the picture of me where I could sign. I eventually managed to speak.

“What’s your name?” I asked smiling up at her.

“Olivia!” she beamed.

“Cute name.” I replied as I wrote down as neatly as I could;
‘To Olivia thank you for being a great fan you mean the most to me, Love Alex Gaskarth <3!’

As I stood up she looked down to inspect what I wrote.

“Thank you!” she eventually said smiling from ear to ear.

She then hugged me quickly, her arms wrapping around my waist, before she ran off back down the road. I set of down the road myself happy for being nice and kind to a fan. Maybe this was the start of the new me. I might even find the girl on my way.
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i have 18 subscribers :D! pretty proud of that and im getting about 2 comments every day so i am really happy for my first proper story :)
Well thanks to VampireAssassin and Gamble With Desire hehe :D!
please tell me what your thinking off it :)? and even what do you think is gonna happen next? you might even get a guest appearance if you guess correct hehe.

- edited spacing ;)