Status: finished o:

If You See This Girl Can You Tell Her Where I Am


“Another Jack!” I shouted at the woman behind the bar.

“Um Alex I think you’ve had too much, you’d be better going home.” She replied being deadly serious.

“But I’m in a band and I’m gorgeous you have to give me another drink!” I shouted standing up.

“I really don’t have to serve you.” She replied.

I didn’t have anything to say back to her so I slowly pushed myself of the chair, I stumbled a bit as I tried to stand. I then walked, well swayed, towards the exit of the bar. The cool sea breeze hit my face making me sway a little more but I managed to get my bearings and I set of in the direction of the hotel.

The streets were pretty empty apart from people leaving the clubs and bars which were still pumping out the music while the lights danced on and off. A girl then tumbled out of one of the pubs ahead, she was tall and slim with red hair. It’s her I’m sure it is. I sped up to try and catch up with her. She was stumbling along in high heels so it didn’t take me that long to catch up with her even though I was swaying like a bare tree in the wind. Once I reached her I tapped her right shoulder and she turned around to look at me. It wasn’t her; this woman was much older in the face and certainly not as gorgeous. She scrutinized my face probably wondering who the hell I was. I couldn’t find the words to speak as I had got my hopes up to high so I continued on past her, walking as fast my wobbling legs would take me.

I stopped walking to look around and my head began to spin, my heart was beating faster than was humanly possible and I was defiantly well past the turning for my hotel. I was still on the huge path that sat alongside the beach. I went over and sat down on the small wall that marked the perimeter of another one of the clubs. The music from that club began playing again and soon the lights were flashing, these making my brain swim more. I was then sick over the wall.
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I got four comments and Gamble With Desire's offer was just too enticing ahah ;)
so ya may think this one sorta flips what happened in the last one but its all part of my master plan hehe :)
ohh and if ya like you me at six listen to THIS its pretty awesome hehe. i've had it on repeat for a while, josh's voice mmmmmhhh :P
anyway back to the story comment pleaseee and the offer for a part if you predict the future is still available :D
- edited the spacing ;)