A Different Side Of Me


“Come on Vanessa!”, My ten year old sister called to me from the bottom of the stairs.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. I quickly put my hair into a pony tail. I had promised my sister I would take her to the local mall. I had been promising her for about a month that I would that her to the mall, but my school and work schedule has been crazy.

“I’m coming Jordynn!”, I called out to her before I ran down the steps.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and saw Jordynn sitting on our families white couch.

“Ohh! Mom will kill you, if she finds out you're sitting on her white couch!”, I taunted her.

Jordynn rolled her eyes at me. “Please.” She told me. “Mom will never lay a hand on me!”

I rolled my eyes at her knowing that was true. Jordynn was our parent’s little angel. While I was not the angel.

“Whatever! Are you ready to bounce?”, I asked her as I was putting on my favorite purple jacket.

“Yup! Let’s ditch this place!”

And I was like Baby, Baby, Baby nnoooo!”, I sang along with Jordynn.

She had got me addicted to Justin Bieber because she was constantly listening to him or singing his songs.

I turned down the radio. “So who is going to be at the mall with you?”

Jordynn rolled her eyes at me. “Me, Claire, Sarah and Macy!”, She told me.

“Oh.”, I began. “And for the record its Claire, Sarah, Macy and I!”

“Nerd!”, Jordynn yelled to me.

“Yeah! But, you know you love me!”

Jordynn sighed. “Only because mommy and daddy say I have to.”

I quickly looked at her to see her smiling. I smiled as she caught me looking at her. Then, we both burst out laughing. That is one of the things I love about Jordynn, she could make me smile.

I stopped at a red light. 3,2,1! I counted in my head, I hated this light.

Finally, I thought to myself, as the light changed to green. “So!”

Jordynn sighed. “So what?”

“I’m not a rock star! I got my rock boots an.”, I started to say before Jordynn interrupted me.

“NO! Not this song!”

I chuckled at her. I really loved my little sister. “Then don’t say so what to me. But, am I dropping you off at the front or back.”

I never got to finish the question. Before I could get half of it out my mouth, a huge Semi Truck knocked us out of the lane.

I screamed and hit the brakes, not knowing why, I did that. The car flipped over and I screamed for help.
♠ ♠ ♠
So! Here it is! It's something my friend and I have been thinking of doing. And it's finally here!

So did you like the 1st chapter? Yes or no?

All comments are welcomed!

Peace. Love. Happiness.

-Monique, (Or unique33) :)