Casper's Crew And Adventure

There is a leader named Casper. He is the leader of his pirate crew. Casper gathered a few of his talented friends to come and explore the world with him. Upon meeting his first island his crew pick up another crew that is VERY similar to Casper's crew. Their name is Fin and Swim. There is yet another person who wants to join. She is a mystery and Casper is determined to figure her out. Is he in love with her? There is already a soon to be couple Maine and Sarge... or they may never get a long... but the odds are that they will in fact get together. Adventure is what Casper is aiming for. Love and Mystery are a bonus. Unnatural realistic things in our world today is normal for him.

I got this idea from the pirate manga One Piece, but I doubt that many things i write are going to be similar to the manga.
  1. The New Island
    Casper's crew comes across an island...
  2. Monster attack
    A monster attacks the ship and another ship appears
  3. Fin and Swim
    Meet the new crew Fin and Swim... they will be joing Casper's crew later on
  4. The night has to come to a close... right?
    It's night time now and let's see how peaceful it can get
  5. The newest member: Janerica
    Janerica joins Casper's crew but why?
  6. shortest chapter that i posted: morning time
    Janerica joins Casper's crew but why is Casper so worked up because of this?