Status: Semi-hiatus, revising this story some before I update

Take Me to Infinity

Work and Play

When Autum stepped into the main office of Epic Records, she was sweating bullets. She was pretty sure the faint amount of makeup she had put on that morning was now gone, and she probably looked like a train wreck. Nevertheless, she fluffed her hair up in the reflection of the main glass door before entering to speak with one of the managers.

“Hi,” she smiled nervously. “I’m Autum Jones. I called about the job opening earlier.”

“Yes. Hi Autum, I’m Jane Roberts, and I run the hiring services here at Epic. So you said that you moved here just recently, did you have any trouble finding us?”

“Not really,” Autum laughed a little. “I took a cab.”

“Oh okay, good idea,” Jane smiled. “So, let’s begin the interview. I’ve looked over the application you filled out a few minutes ago, and everything looks good. What caused you to be interested in this job; it’s not a very big position.”

Autum shifted slightly in her seat. “Well, I’ve always enjoyed meeting new people and attending to people’s needs, so I think I would work well in a position such as this one.”

She was lying though her teeth. In all honesty, Autum was not a “people person,” most people actually annoyed her. Autum was a good faker though. She could bullshit her way through just about anything.

“Good,” Jane said, jotting down a few notes on a legal pad in her lap. “What skills do you possess that you believe would be an asset to this company?”

“To be honest, I don’t really have any ‘skills’ per se, but I am good with computers. I’m also a quick learner.”

“Okay,” Jane replied, continuing to scribble notes. “What would you say is your biggest flaw?”

“Hmm…once I start something, I have to get it finished or else it bugs me.”

That was the only thing she had ever learned from Kandi’s constant watching of The Hills: in an interview, always turn your flaw into something beneficial.

Jane Roberts fired off a few more questions and told Autum a little bit about what the position entailed, then told her that she’d hear back from her about the job by the end of next week.

“Thank you,” Autum replied, shaking the hand that Jane had extended to her before walking through the big glass doors again.

She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about the interview. She thought she did okay, but she felt like there was no way she could compete with all the other applicants. Oh well, there was nothing she could do about it now. Maybe she would go to the beach with Kandi and the guys, she needed to have some fun. Autum felt like she hadn’t really let loose the entire time they’d been in L.A., she was either too busy looking for a job or too busy trying to get things in the apartment situated.

When she returned to the apartment, Kandi and Logan were still by the pool.

“Sall, how’d it go?”she could hear Kandi shouting from across the pool.

“Um, I’m not really sure,” Autum said as she walked over, pushing her hair out of her face. “Are you guys still going to the beach later?”

“Yeah, why?” Kandi asked, getting up out of the lounge chair and stretching her arms above her head.

“I want to come with,” Autum grinned, but her grin faded quickly. “Whoa, you guys are really red. Maybe you should come inside?”

Kandi looked at Logan, who shrugged. “I guess,” she sighed, and the three of them walked into the building.

“So you’re seriously coming out with us?” Kandi asked as she pushed the UP button on the elevator.

“Yeah, why do you act so surprised?”

Kandi shrugged. “No reason.”

“So what have you guys been doing today?”

They all watched as the elevator opened. “Nothing,” she said as she walked in, hoping onto the small rail that ran around the inside of the elevator.

Of the two of them, Kandi had always been the more laid-back one. She could spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing, and it wouldn’t bother her one bit. Autum was the opposite, she couldn’t stand just “hanging out.” She wanted to go out and do things, so she wasn’t really happy unless she was busy with something.

“Did the U-Haul come today?”

“Nope,” Kandi sighed, staring at herself in the overhead mirror. Autum was beginning to wonder if everyone around her was completely vain.

Autum sighed. “I guess I’ll call them when we get up.”

The elevator was much quicker going up than down, so they were getting out on the third floor in no time.

As soon as they got into the apartment, Kandi headed straight for the fridge.

“Sall, we have no food,” she griped, staring into the empty fridge as if something would magically appear if she stood there long enough.

“Well maybe my sall and her new boyfriend should go grocery shopping instead of being lazy all day,” Autum replied from the living room.

Her roommate sucked in air through her teeth. “Harsh.”

“Shhh, I’m calling those people that apparently lost your bed.”

Kandi made the motion of zipping her lips and ducked off into her bedroom.

After Autum went off on whomever she was talking to at U-Haul, Kandi peeked back out. She had changed out of her swimsuit and pulled her hair to the side. Logan wasn’t far behind her, but he’d just thrown on a white polo over his trunks. Autum couldn’t help but sigh; apparently he was keeping clothes in her apartment too.

“We’re going to get food. Do you want anything in particular?” Kandi said, standing at the counter that acted as a divider between the living room and kitchen.

Autum scrunched up her face before answering. “Not really, just get more than junk food. Maybe get some things so we can cook dinner here instead of having to go out every night.”

“Alright, will do. How’s the whole bed fiasco go?”

“They’re sending us a check.” Autum couldn’t help but grin.

“Yes! Guess you learned something from Judy after all. “

Kandi was right. Autum did get her “methods of persuasion” from her grandmother, Judy. When she was younger, whenever Autum was falsely accused and put in detention for whatever reason, Judy would call the principal, firing every curse word known to man.

“Well, we’re gonna head out. Call me if you decide you want anything,” Kandi replied as she headed towards the door with Logan in tow.

Autum was beginning to wonder if he really wanted to do all of this junk or if Kandi was just dragging him along.

As soon as her roommate was out the door, Autum’s phone vibrated on the coffee table.

“Hello?” she answered, and as soon as she heard who it was, a huge grin spread across her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this while laying out in my yard, which means I practically had to squint at the screen, so if there's any typos, please let me know.

Thanks to all those that have read, commented, and my two subscribers. You guys are amazing.