My Hidden Hope


When I first saw Detective Ringu, I thought he was a girl. But that’s because I only saw him from the back; he has a rather feminine body—slender but fit, what looked like slight curves to me, and long white hair that poured down his back. It didn’t exactly help that he had his hair pulled back the first time we met.

Perched on the uncomfortable bar stool, I downed what remained of my third scotch and surveyed the area once again. I had (not so discretely) been checking a silverette out who was playing pool, who, in the low lighting, I think had noticed me noticing them. Usually, I’d feel a little self-conscious, with my shirt partially untucked from my pants, with my dorky suspenders still on, basically still in my work clothes. But hey, I had just closed a stressful case with a temporary partner who pushed every button I had in all the wrong ways, so I figured I’d treat myself to a drink.

Eventually, my not-originally-a-strategy strategy worked and the mystery admirer walked over, pool stick still in hand. I absent-mindedly straightened in my seat, and raised my chin up to be able to survey this person properly up close.

I realized, as the person walked up, that it was indeed, a he. A very attractive he.

He threw a lop-sided grin my way, sharp blue eyes running up and down my petite frame—as I ran my own gaze over him, taking as much time as I wanted.

“What’s a sweet, little thing like you doing on your own here?” he asked in a suggestive tone of voice, folding his arms over the top of the pool stick, leaning onto it.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I toyed, turning my body so that I faced him.

He cocked his head slightly, his eyes narrowing almost playfully for a moment, as if he fell into a brief moments’ thought. “May I ask why you’re dressed rather nicely for such an informal bar? You a lawyer or something like that?”

“Close; I’m a cop.”

Another smile fell onto his face, widening his lips. “So am I.” He unfolded his arms, holding out an open palm. I shook his hand; his grasp was firm, and his skin was rough but so warm. “Detective Ringu.” He then winked, and took two steps so that he could sit down next to me and lean in close. “But you can just call me Bakura.”
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I made up a last name for Bakura. // I'm aware his eyes aren't originally blue, but in the picture I used they are and I didn't feel like changing it. :3