Fighting for Nothing

During a time of war and chaos, a genius playboy billionaire philanthropist named Tony Stark is stealing the spotlight, claiming weapons to be the way of peace. Stark's father brought the nuclear bomb to America's fingers, and now Tony is taking the weapons industry to an entire new level.

His newest weapon is called the Jericho. The Jericho is a highly advanced missile that extracts into several different smaller missiles that let off an explosion that could take down an entire building each.

When he gives his weapons presentation of the Jericho, it is declared that Tony Stark is the genius of the century.

On this day, a young girl is celebrating her fifteenth birthday, after being offered several scholarships to highly-appraised colleges due to her talent in science, physics, and mathematics. Mary Taylor is a teenage prodigy - so much so as to get a small article written about her in the Newspaper. Already having scholarships for several colleges as a High School Sophomore going on Junior was notable to most.

When Tony Stark is giving his presentation, Mary Taylor's house is attacked, she's tossed into the back of a van, and driven away from her home to be flown to Afghanistan to have her life threatened.

Copyright: ⓒ episkey maximus. Any characters created in this story are mere figures of my, the author's, imagination. All characters except for Mary Taylor and her family belong to Marvel, and do not belong to me. Do not re-use this story without my permission. All rights reserved.