Fighting for Nothing


The chaos that immediately swept through the room was uninterrupted, and the men that caused it held guns into the air, shouting in a foreign language. Mary had made a run for her sobbing, four-year-old sister when something hard, metal, and cold came down upon her head with a deafening crack.

Blackness shrouded Mary's senses in a wave, as in a nonsensical dream.

When sights, sounds, and feelings came back to her, realization swept over in brief shots, choppy words. Kidnapped. Blindfold. Confused. Moving Van. Gone. After what felt like moments of understanding, the moving van came to a sudden stop, and firm hands roughly grabbed her forearms and dragged her from the back of the van.

When the sunshine hit Mary's shoulders, panic finally swept over the teenager. With muffled screaming, she kicked her legs violently, trying her best to jump from their grip.

The men shoved her forward, and she landed brutally on a cold floor of metal, and the sun was cut off from her showing skin once again. 'Can't be happening - bad dream - wake up - not real - wake up!'

In seconds, Mary was thrown away from where she had been placed, her body smacking against the opposite wall as the vehicle took off into the air. 'Plane? Helicopter? Wake up!'

'How long has it been? - Wake up! - Hours? - You're dreaming, Mary! - Days?' Her breathing quickened, and her face twisted in panic. 'Dreams don't last this long - don't feel this real - Why can't you wake up?'

More rapid talking in a foreign language. 'What are they speaking? Can't be a dream - Has to be a dream.' Once again, hands wrapped around her forearms roughly, and dragged her from her uncomfortable, seated position in the helicopter? plane?, and she felt a cold breeze run across her skin.

She was dragged away, and yet again tossed into a new area. The men yanked the bag off of her head, untied the ropes from her wrist and were gone in the same instance.

'Not a dream, not a dream, not a dream.'
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I tried writing a little differently from my norm - I'm not sure if I'll keep up with it like this.
I would really appreciate constructive criticism, though I'm not sure this chapter is the best one to criticize since it is different than the others will be.