Status: Active

Clear Falls


I walked into the school and I saw people running around. It looked like a mad house. Why did I have to change to public school? "Ma I want to go to public school and be a normal child". What was I thinking? I started backing up and going for the door. Thats when I hit someone. I turned around. "Going somewhere Princess?" The guy looked like a goddess. He had those curls that you just want to run your fingers through. You know what Im saying? "Umm...No." "Good cause Im your tour guide and I dont want to explain Mr. Bruster why you went missing." "Whos Mr. Bruster," I asked him. "Hes the principal," he said with his soft luscious voice. "Oh," was all I could say. "Yea. So why dont we get this over with?" "Sure." "Follow Me," he said. I followed him to the front office. I think thats what its called. I stood by him while he talked to this lady. After a few minutes he asked me what my name was. I answered with, "Selena Gomez." He turned back around and started talking to the lady again. After five minutes, He handed me a piece of paper. "Heres your schedule." The Bell Rings. I jumped almost one foot into the air. The guy laughed. Why havent I asked him his name yet? I mean shouldnt I know his name if hes giving me a tour of the school? "Whats your name," I asked him while we were walking down the hallway. He answered, "Nick. Nick Jonas." "So where are we going exactly?" "I dont know," he said and laughed. "Are you saying that were lost? I thought your my tour guide." "Were not lost just I havent read your schedule yet." "Why dont you look at my schedule and tell me where to got so I wont miss my first class." I handed him my schedule. He took it and looked at it then said, "English 3. Right Here." We were in front of Room #1143. "Thanks," I said with a smile. "No problem. Ill be around if you need me." "Huh? But I thought you were going to show me around the school?" He just kept walking in the other direction. Jerk! I knocked on the door and the teacher, Im guessing, answered the door. "Yes," she asked. "Are you Mrs.," I looked at my schedule, "Mrs. Larsa?" "Yes. How may I help you?" "It says on my schedule that Im suppose to be here." "Are you Miss Selena Gomez?" "Yes, Ma'am." "Come on in," she said with a smile. I walked in and looked around. Everyone was staring at me. It felt embarrassing. "Everyone we have a new student. Miss Selena Gomez," Mrs. Larsa said to the class. Everyone gave an eh sound like theyre not happy that Im here or something. "Go sit down, Sweetie," Mrs. Larsa told me. I sat down in the only empty desk by this brunette dude. Correction: Brunette Hot dude." Hey," he said. "Hey," I smiled. "So your THE Selena Gomez?" "Yea. I guess you can say that since Im the ONLY Selena Gomez." "Haha. Your funny. I like it." "Thanks?" "It's a compliment." "Oh." "So have you met anyone else besides me yet?" "Yea. I have. His names Nick Jonas. By the way, whats your name?" "Oh thats right. How rude of me. Im Logan Lerman and Nick Jonas? Let me give you some advice. Dont mess with him hes bad news." "How is he bad news?" "Its a long story." "I got time." The bell rung..again. "Again? But I just got here," I said, complaining. Logan just laughed at me. "Whats so funny?" "Weve been here for 45 minutes. Well youve been here for 38." "I have? Time goes by fast." "Yea It does." "What class do you have next," he asked me while standing up. "Umm...Choir." "You like to sing," Logan asked surprised. "Yes. Is it a surprise to you?" "Well. Yea. You look like an actress to me." "I do?..Weird." "Yea I know." We both laughed. By the time we stopped laughing, we were in front of the Choir room. "Well I guess I better get going." "Yea. Me too." "I'll see you later," Logan asked. "Maybe...Maybe not." With that I walked away and into the choir room. I walked up to the teacher and handed him my schedule. "Mmm. Welcome, Miss Gomez," he said with a smile. I just stood there and smiled. "Everyone we have a new student. Her name is Selena Gomez. Give her a warm welcome." "Hi," the whole class said. Its like they planned saying it at the same time but also didnt. If you know what Im saying. Do you know what Im saying? "You can sit down anywhere you like," the teacher said. I nodded my head and sat down next to this girl who looked really pretty. Im not homo or anything. Its just she looks so pretty like Leah Michelle from Glee. I love that show. Its amazing. Sorry getting off topic here. I tend to do that sometimes. "Hi," I said to her. "Hey," she said. "Whats your name?" "Demi Lovato." "Nice name you have." "Thanks. Yours is pretty too." "Thanks and your welcome." "So whats your story?" "My story?" "Yea. Your story of why your here." "Oh. I was homeschooled then decided to try public school." "You mean you never been in public school?" "Nope." "Wow. I wish I was homeschooled." "Why," I asked confuzzled. "I dont like public school. Its filled with haters, drama, and more drama." "Cool," I said, smiling. "No. Not cool. Drama causes friendships to be broken. Relationships ending. It can cause the whole school to hate one person just cause she didnt want to sleep with a guy and him spreading a rumor of how she took nasty pictures of herself when its not freaking true." "Whoa girl. Calm down." "Sorry. I tend to ramble on a lot." I laughed and said, "Yea. I could tell. So Im guessing you have no friends?" "Yea," she said with a frown. "Want one?" "Like totally," she said mimicking preppy girl, who I hate, with a huge smile on her face. I could tell this friendship was going to be a great one.
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So...what do you think?
Anything I need to improve on?