Status: Editing.

That One Summer


"This Summer, maybe I'll fall in love." Vvalerie Moslow shrugged her shoulders- a gesture that she used to show her friend Shira Hugh that she was merely kidding.

" At last, you're learning. I can help you find a nice guy. I don't have a four year relationship with Marcus if I don't know how these things work." Shira replied with a laugh and a look of askance. Looking at the mirror, they tried to prep themselves one last time before going out to the beach.

Shira was wild and liked to party all night. Since she was still a minor, she had these fake ids, one for every bar she went to. A bitch, most people might say, but her heart was big. That's why she had managed to stay in a long relationship with Marcus Tottham.

Vvalerie was gorgeous beyond words, but not too much on the appeal and personality. She was a total opposite of Shira. Shy and sweet, many people adored her. But not enough for someone to love her. Her wavy brunette hair was probably her asset which made her look angelic unlike most teens nowadays ,who preferred the "rebellious" look.

Opposites really do attract, eh?

These two girls had been friends since kindergarten. You know those same old stories.

"Let's go." Shira tugged Vvalerie's hand like a kid who was in her first vacation. "Let's make this a Summer that we will never forget." Since they both smiled, they knew that they both concurred.