Lost With Out A Love


I am sitting on the green couch in the living room staring at the tv with a game remote resting in my hands. I kill a prostitute and then steel a car but then when I am almost in the clear... SOME COP KILLS ME! I let out a large grunt and then shut the game off. I then think of calling my amazing girlfriend Greta and I walk over to the kitchen table. Just as my hands touch the green the phone vibrates.
I look down see Greta's name and a large smile crawls over my face.
"Hello, thank you for calling Pizza Planet may would this be pick up or delivery?" I saw thinking of how when we were younger we used to watch Toy Story all the time. Our first kiss was during the scene when Buzz and Woody are in the claw machine.
"Ron..." I can hear the panic in her voice.
"Yeah... Greta? What's wrong?"