
Most people would call what I have an eating disorder. But that's not it. Not at all.

My problem isn't with food, or calories or my weight. It's merely the idea of not being perfect. Not being attractive. Not being what people want of me.

It started as a simple problem with an equally simple solution: Oliver didn't like fat girls. So I made myself thin.

Some people would say that what I'm doing is idiotic, dangerous, self-negligent.

But who was here to judge me, other than the mirror that could simply be turned the other way? Sometimes you have to turn a blind eye, even to yourself.

About this story: This story is not solely about a young girls battle with anorexia, but more so about the relationships that occur around a person with this disorder. It's about the blindness of love, and how far some of us will go to deny the hurt we inflict on our loved ones. But for the record, I have done my research.

This story tells both of Lizzie's battle with the disorder as an adult, as well a look at her past, and how she came to have an eating disorder.

Chapters alternate between past and present.
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