Let Us Run And Don't Look Back

Chapter 3, How she met Josh (died friend)

I met Josh when I was 14. He was new. At his old school he always got bullied. He even got beaten, only for the way he dressed. How low can you go?
In the beginning – at his new school – he always sat in a corner, listening to music. I didn’t have the guts to talk to him.
I was kinda new in the scene, and I found him interesting. Also because there weren’t much emo-boys at school.
So I just stared at him, while sitting in my own corner. One day he looked up, and his eyes met mine. I blushed, but tried to smile. He smiled back. It was so damn sweet! That went on for 2, 3 days.
The fourth day I decided to talk to him. After the smile thing. I stood up and walked to the opposite side of the hall. I took a deep breath ...
‘What music are you listening to?’
At first he just stared at me, then he laughed and answered a little shy: ‘Queen.’.
‘Oh, that’s cool. Which song?’ This could be a nice conversation...
‘Who wants to live forever.’ His smile dropped a little, he fixed himself fast. I wondered what was wrong, but it’d be rude to ask.
‘That’s a beautiful song, eh? It has a beautiful meaning.’
‘Yeah, it's one of my favorite songs. What are yours?’
‘Well, that one. And Bohemian Rhapsody of course. Killer Queen, too. Do you listen to any other music?’ Stupid question. I mentally hit myself.
‘Yes, of course,’ he giggled. He held his mp3 up and asked: ‘Wanna listen?’
I nodded, leaned next to him and took the earphone. He almost had the same music taste.
I was so happy, and proud that I did this. I felt comfortable with Josh around, and with almost everything he said I had to laugh.
Every day I went to him in the break and after a week or two we were best friends. We even hugged when we saw each other. He was so sweet. We talked alot, but when we had nothing to say, we listened to one of our mp3-players.
We shared everything and we told each other everything.
I really miss him more and more every day. Why do all the good people die before their time?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so maybe there's a little too much about Queen in this chapter. But please, comment! Tell me what you liked or didn't like. Tell me what I could've left or what was missing. Or just say you('ve) read it.
I still have cookies! *moves eyebrows up and down*